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由aegeanponyta編輯: 11/12/2016 9:02:49 AM

Calling all Lady Gamers, Mommy Gamers!

Tired of joining groups and getting discriminated on just because your a lady gamer, being apart of big clans and only playing with a few your actually comfortable with, last but not least are you sick of only running with dudes? I'm looking for fellow lady gamers! I created this clan because I believe in empowering one another, supporting one another, accepting each other for the woman you are and sticking together. As a mother of 2, sometimes I can't always be on so we'll understand if you can't either. If your a mommy gamer this clan is also for you! The "Admin" that's me, Carrieann. Have a Titan and a Hunter both at 40 but Hunter is at 371 so any light level is more than welcome. And, who really cares if your good or not, we'll help each other get there! I created this clan as way for us women to be who we are with no judgments, no negativity, having friends you can talk to, a listening ear or just to have a good time, we'll be there....I'll be there♡ Xena and Wonder Woman are my inspirations for this so we need different and unique lady gamers like you♡ My mission here isn't to compete with other lady clans but, to have a clan all of us can be comfortable in because I've been there, done that so please don't hesitate, we'll take you in and take care of you! That's a promise. "Dike clan!!" Some guy posted....This isn't a lesbo clan even though Xena was a lesbo...I honestly didn't know she was until I just recently Googled her. Can't even have a freaking clan name without someone being negative. Getting discriminated on because of a freaking name?? Give me a break! Men are idiots. I like Xena and followed her since I was young because she's strong, she encourages us women to stand up for ourselves and be courageous. That's why it was named Xenas of the New Age. I don't want to step on more toes so I changed the name. I like the Badass Hunter from Destiny, Efrideet. So it's, Efrideets of Destiny. Women power is the strongest when we all stand up together.



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