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由azombiepanda編輯: 11/3/2016 4:27:10 PM

Bungie could really learn from Rockstar

Lackluster events hidden behind a paywall is what kills events in destiny. There was nothing to do after the first couple days because either you completed the halfa**ed quest too quickly or you didnt wanna purchase anymore boxes from the eververse vendor. It was pretty embarrassing for something they attempted to hype up as some fun and witty event in the trailer. Although there are microtransactions in GTA online (which i am not against) EVERYTHING can be earned without paying. Rockstar has also provided a very abundant amount of content since release without requiring someone to buy DLC. I played destiny almost 3 times as much as gta 4 and it is just sucks to see so much potential wasted because they are either trying to make a extra buck and/or care nothing about the communities thoughts and opinions. Destiny 2 could learn alot from GTA online but sadly i do not see this kind of strategy ever changing for bungie.



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