Hello there,
me and my friends were trying to ring the bells at felwinter peark in the right order yesterday (4 ppl) and today (3 ppl) with no success. I mean we know the order of the bells, we ring them, nothing happens. We tried it for an hour, but nothing; no wind and big bell sound that signalizes you did it right and no trophy either. Are we missing something? Come on Bungie, this doesn´t seem right. I myself looked at several Video guides to be 100% sure we have to correct order.We tried to ring the bells very fast, we tried to ring them a bit slower... but nothing. Seriously...why? I´d appreciate it if you would look into that, and plz don´t bring us a fix when Destiny 2 get´s released.
Second: I´m not able to get the FWC Sparrow from the faction packages. I seriously get the DO and NM Sparrow every single faction Level up (I have all shaders, Emblems and ships, beside bugged Comitatus; still seems weird the sparrow won´t be removed from the loot table once you got it once). That makes me think the FWC Sparrow is similarly bugged for some of us like Comitatus is.
Third: What´s the deal with the Crucible Sparrow? It´s not listed as possible reward from a crucible package, but I got the vanguard sparrow 4 times already from crucible packages. Seriously?
I´m a year one Player, but this can´t be it right? Things like vanishing heavy ammo after beeing dead in year 1 took nearly 1 year to get fixed. Vienna SInger took more than half a year to get fixed. Comitatus took a whole year and is STILL NOT FIXED. And now it continues with the FWC Sparrow and even the bells are not working? Osiris is full of magicians that headshot snipe you with NLB after doing a 360 while jumping? I really miss the good old times in HOW Osiris, where actually Primary weapon skill got rewarded, not Special ammo. Seems weird I have been on Mercury while HOW a dozen times, and since Taken King only once. But whatever.
Please Bungie, fix this mess. I feel cheated...especially by that felwinter peak bells, that just won´t work for us. Please confirm it is bugged, and then find a solution. Thank you very much.
I´m sorry, but the bells have to be bugged, since none of my teammates is able to get it done. We tried it as 4 ppl in the right order, we also tried it with only 2 ppl. No Chance the order is wrong when you do it with 2 ppl. And like I said: The order is 100% correct and fast enough. I´m even inviting you to join me right away in Destinys Felwinter Peak and do it with me, just to prove it won´t work for me.
I´m also thinking it might be because of the patch, since we only tried to ring them the FIRST time after the Heroic Patch came out.
The link will Show you another user experiencing the same we did. And yes, I know his/her bell order is missing the last 2. But don´t you think it´s really strange some ppl get the confirmation bell Sound after having played only 8/9 bells, some after all 12? Seems bugged in a strange way.
As for the FWC Sparrow: There are already reddit users confirming the sparrow isn´t dropping for them either. The loot table of the factions is programmed to not give you anything of the possible loot pool that you already got. That´s why I can only get class items or the sparrow. Don´t you think it´s strange that I get 10 Sparrows in 10 DO or 10 NM Level Ups, but not a single FWC in nearly 15?
I remember the times when ppl said Comitatus is just RNG, took them a year to finally accept the fact that even rng is not as bad luck as a plain bugged ship.
I´m waiting for the day Bungie will acknowledge the FWC Sparrow is indeed bugged in a similar way Comitatus still is. Congrats Bungie *clap clap*