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9/26/2016 7:18:06 PM

we get it, people cheated siva, but we can't trade ANY MATERIALS?? that defeats the purpose of an app, especially in raids; FIND A NEW SOLUTION!! explained inside

Fix Rise Of Iron Material transfers in the app.


Stfu nub, kys.


>be me >in raid >no cache key >no problem >switch with app >wait, bungie nerfed >go to orbit >get from other character >go back to raid >chest gone, key useless >bungie failed us >app no longer has a use please fix it we get it cheaters farmed siva, but a blanket nerf on all ROI materials is just insane, what is the purpose of an app if you can't get mats in a raid mid-way? isn't that the ENTIRE point of the app? so if you're with friends in an activity you don't have to spend 10 to 20 minutes switching characters in a vault to keep playing? FIX IT



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