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9/24/2016 12:09:11 AM

Text Chat.

So what are the chances of getting text chat implemented for Destiny 2.0? It was handled incredibly well over on ESO. Works excellent with a keyboard, hit enter, window pops, type /z to type to zone, /g for guild chat, /w to whisper to one other player, type whatever, hit enter, done. You can adjust the size of the text on the screen. Or turn off the notifications all together. I would never have suggested it before but I'm very impressed with the current DLC and finally seeing how exactly Bungie intend to expand the game with zones, events and raids. I think that text chat could do here what it did for ESO. Thousands more players finding groups for dailies, dungeons/strikes, Trials/Raids, even PvP. It was a real game changer. What do we think? You think it'll never happen? You think it's already in the works!?? Let us know.



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  • 由Legion編輯: 9/24/2016 9:22:40 AM
    /Say /Shout /Yell /(username) /fc /ls1 /ls2 /mdance I've played a game with a controller in hand and keyboard on my lap. I think it would be a game changer, but I doubt anyone would want to type out the mechanics for what is a head when they have headsets enabled for the game.



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