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由Atvali編輯: 9/24/2016 10:33:33 AM

DLC/Expansion Packs

I'm honestly getting fed up with Bungie. Late last year I bought the Taken King edition of Destiny because it includes "all the dlc and expansion packs", so I thought "ok that's a great deal" and bought it but yet here I am 9 months later being extremely restricted on what my friend and I can do on the game just because we don't have the the Rise of Iron pack. Can we do the daily strikes? No, that's because the majority of them are restricted to the new expansion pack. Can we do the weekly Nightfall strike? No, that's because it's restricted to the new expansion pack. What about the crucible matches? No, of course not because you NEED the new expansion pack! We pay extra to get a so called "expansion pass" which is only for the Dark Below and House of Wolves then we have to pay extra again for the Taken King pack. What kind of "pass" only applies to previous DLC when every other game dev let it apply to all past and future DLC? I feel like I'm being punished for buying the game a year ago instead of buying it now and for what? Just to be treated the same way next year when yet ANOTHER expansion pack comes out? Now I have to pay another £25 just to get Rise of Iron when I've already spent twenty-odd pound to buy the expansion PASS! I really do love Destiny and I play it day in and day out but the sad thing is I feel like Bungie don't give a damn about us loyal players who spend an extreme amount of money on their DLC. I swear that if I end up having to spend MORE money on Rise of Iron because Bungie are so f***ing money hungry then they later decide to add it to be apart of the expansion pass that I've previously bought because of the amount of complaints they've got I will NOT be happy and will expect my money back! *UPDATE* Just so I'm clear the definition in a "season" is when one thing ends and the next part starts. Let's say that a tv show is in a current season but one episode has multiple parts e.g. Ep 1: Destiny with Taken king being part 2 of said episode that doesn't make it its own season. The next season would be destiny 2 or whatever the next game would be called not the next part of the existing episode. I'm saying this because a lot of people think that another part of a current season is a [i]new[/i] season?



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