[redacted due to cringe]
This appears to be based on [i]privileges[/i] where, if you do particular things on the site, you will be granted access to particular functionality, presumably because you are seen as a more trustworthy user. It is actually a good idea and has been shown to work really well on other sites. I've also been an advocate of implementing somewhat similar functionality on b.net.
So basically anti pc users will eventually be banned from YouTube. The master plan is working it seems. I better never hear a liberal say we have free speech ever again. Censorship isn't free speech.
Lol, youtube youtube... ALL HEROS DESERVE A BIT OF GLORY.. wonder were they came up with the idea.. "Ya know a world could use more heros" traser... Traser you little shit youve ended fkn youtube WE ALL ARE GOING TO DIE!!!
Unfortunately, there is no competition to YouTube. They have a monopoly and can do whatever they want.
"Hello xXxX YouTuber i am a level 3 YouTube hero with a large connection to other hero's of such rank. If you dont not pay me $500 we will mass flag your videos. You have 24 hours."
1 回覆
由gethyn007編輯: 9/24/2016 11:13:06 PMYeah, it's BS. Google has been in the business of censorship for a while now. One example: http://www.popsci.com/technology/article/2013-07/heres-what-us-government-asks-google-censor-infographic Loads of other sites engage in some form of censorship all the time and are sometimes even paid by other companies to do it. We're not just talking about images, vids, or material that crosses the line, either. We're talking about things like dissenting viewpoints involving controversial subjects, bad reviews of movies and video games, and so on. This is what happens when you have idiots doing the so-called, "monitoring." I've been banned on this forum a few times, for instance, when I did nothing more than express an opinion, did not in any way attack anyone, did not use racial slurs or abusive language, and did not otherwise violate the rules in any way, shape, or form. It happens, and it's a joke.
The problem I see with this is the sheer fact that what determines what should or shouldn't be flagged? If the masses think a particular fact or statement that isn't really offensive doesn't jive with them who is going to step up and stand up for the people being mass flagged or reported? Its almost an increment of censorship and oppression of the internet and freedom of speech or at least it has the possibility to be. I guess well see maybe ill have to get my news from porn hub you know bc 94% of the general public doesn't trust the mainstream media. Gotta go now ran out of tin foil luckily I have a Sam's club card.
soon trustworthy users will start appearing and everything will be like before. dear god this shit will work wonders once the false users will be separated from true ones. all this oppostion towards this idea is assuming that google isnt aware this will be a massive shitstorm in the beginning, which is just dumb. ofcourse google is aware. why do you think you've found the catch to this but not a multibilliondollar company with thousands of people just in the youtube department? what inflates your percieved intelligence that much?
I think that this is a great idea. Think of all the offensive shit you can put as subtitles
由Upperclass Bum編輯: 9/23/2016 5:24:35 AMNot trying to defend Bungie here, but that's hardly [i]their[/i] tactic... Pretty much all mods on any site are rando joe volunteers, rather than paid employees. Regardless, dumb decision is dumb. [spoiler]Where can I sign up?[/spoiler]