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由MaxMikester編輯: 9/21/2016 5:45:01 PM

Request to repurchase Rise of Iron pre-order because of a fault in the Xbox market system

Here is my issue, I wanted to get the Rise of Iron pre-ordered. However, upon looking at the market on my Xbox the ONLY way I could get it was through the 60$ Collection bundle. I could NOT locate any sort of standalone pre-order whatsoever I later learned that there was a standalone pre-order for JUST Rise of Iron for only $30. With the fact I ALREADY owned and installed Destiny and all of its add-ons prior to Rise of Iron, I basically payed $60 to only gain ownership of content that by itself is worth $30. This means that $30 of said bundle was spent for content I ALREADY OWNED AND PLAYED prior to this purchase. Whats more? According to support about this issue I am unable to get a partial refund to compensate and instead my only solution is to get a full refund, lose the bundle, and repurchase the Rise of Iron WITHOUT pre-order bonuses because pre-order ended. I'm sorry but in my opinion I feel that I have been scammed in that I was essentially forced to overpay for content that is only worth HALF of what I payed. If Bungie could extend the bonuses for me in compensation for this problem I would be happy as that is the ONLY way I can get money back AND keep my Rise of Iron pre-order (via purchasing the standalone pre-order using the refunded money).



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