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9/12/2016 6:51:14 PM

Vulture in California

Started seeing error code Vulture on Sunday. West coast of California. Xbox One and Comcast. I was able to play in the morning before I got disconnected. I had signed in with a different account on the same Xbox earlier. I accepted the terms, etc. created a Hunter so I could use the spark of light. I did that then signed out of that account to get on my primary account on the same Xbox. Not sure if that has anything to do with it. I was able to play on that account for about an hour then kept getting Vulture all day. I reset my cable modem and router, cleared the cache on the Xbox many times. Nothing worked. I was able to play again last night for about an hour from around 6:00 to 7:00 PM Pacific time. I didn't get disconnected and shut down like normal. When I signed in this morning I kept getting Vulture again. Haven't tried since about 7:00 AM Pacific and won't be able to try again until about 4:30 Pacific. Have you seen this also? If you've seen this please up the count on this post to let Bungie know how many people this is affecting.



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  • In my microsoft account I found that I had two Xbox One with the same serial number in my Devices list. I removed one and it's been fine ever since. Nobody else has confirmed that and also I don't know if Bungie resolved the issue without telling anyone...



    以禮待人。發佈文章前請花點時間查看我們的行為準則 取消 編輯 創立火力戰隊 文章

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