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由HiddnAce編輯: 9/13/2016 7:20:09 PM

Bring back the last 4 exotics...

Bring back all 4


Bring back just IB & Pock. Infinity


Bring back none/just Mytho and Necro


Necrochasm, Vex Mythoclast, Ice Breaker, and Pocket Infinity: All fantastic weapons and relics of the past. I understand why Bungie keeps the Necro and Mytho in the past, given they are rewards for past raids, but I don't understand why they are keeping IB and Pocket Infinity behind the Y1 curtain. It took me many months to get the Pocket Infinity quest to drop and I'd like to see it's return to Y3. It even has the Rasputin insignia on the side of the weapon, so let's make it an exotic quest line in an alternate ending of a Daily Heroic quest? Ice Breaker is a [i]broken weapon[/i] but it deserves to come back so we can enjoy these last few months in Destiny 1. I have so many memories with the gun and would appreciate it's return. Pocket Infinity was a crap gun because of the terrible ammo capacity and it's stability, but given the meta of Fusion Rifles, it should make a return Lore wise and just in general. What do you guys think? Should Bungie bring back Pocket Infinity and IB, or all 4?



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