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8/29/2016 2:11:25 AM

XGC Armada is Recruiting for XB1

Hello, I am XGC Ghost Wolf, I am the General of XGC Armada. We are an 18 or older laid back clan that enjoys playing Destiny together. We are part of the worlds largest gaming communtiy of over 65,000 members across all platforms. We are a rank based communtiy with an honor code. So if you are looking for a community that plays by the rules and upholds their members to those rules then we are the place for you. And as a bonus I have 3 335 characters and have all exotics, dead ghosts, and calcified fragments, so I am more than happy to help someone with anything Destiny. If you are interested then friend me on XB1 my GT is XGC Ghost Wolf.



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