[quote]President Obama has refused so far to survey the Louisiana flood disaster, but he did let state and local officials know that he’s watching to make sure they don’t engage in racial discrimination.
In a [url=https://www.justice.gov/crt/file/885401/download]16-page guidance[/url] issued Tuesday, the Obama administration, led by the Justice Department, warned Louisiana recipients of federal disaster assistance against engaging in “unlawful discrimination on the basis of race, color, or national origin (including limited English proficiency).”
The guidance’s frameworks “highlight the importance of complying with nondiscrimination requirements of civil rights statutes, addressing the needs of the whole community, and ensuring equal opportunity to access recovery efforts.”
Needless to say, some Louisiana residents were offended, [url=http://www.theamericanconservative.com/dreher/]including[/url] the American Conservative’s Rod Dreher, who took umbrage at receiving an anti-discrimination lecture from Washington, D.C., as locals struggle to rescue, house and feed their neighbors.
“[E]verywhere you look you can find black folks and white folks loving on each other, helping each other through this crisis,” Mr. Dreher said in a Thursday post.
Mr. Obama [url=http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2016/aug/18/obamas-golf-vacation-amid-louisiana-flooding-stirs/]has come under fire[/url] for sticking to his two-week golf vacation on Martha’s Vineyard instead of taking time to survey the flooding in the Baton Rouge area, which has left 13 dead.
The administration guidance cited instances of discrimination in Gulf Coast states after Hurricane Katrina and Hurricane Rita in 2005, such as “numerous media reports [that] showed images of African Americans stranded on roofs in New Orleans.”
“These images exposed significant inequalities in access to emergency response and recovery efforts,” said the guidance.
The memo also cited an ad aimed at evacuees saying that the renter preferred “two white females.”
Mr. Dreher said such discrimination is wrong and Louisianans need to “own our mistakes,” but that residents knee-deep in rescue efforts don’t appreciate being painted with the administration’s broad brush.
He quoted an email from a local named Jimmy who said, “Not many things get me seething, but this does,” calling Obama administration officials “dividers instead of uniters.”
“Look no further than this ‘guidance’ press release telling us in the middle of it to be sure not to be racist, y’all,” said the email. “Meanwhile, our President enjoys golfing and Martha’s Vineyard and sunny skies. No visits, not even that reviled [George W.] Bush flyover. Just politically motivated, radically laced memos.”
More than 40,000 homes were damaged during the flooding, sparked by thunderstorms and a low-pressure system that began Aug. 5, which the Red Cross has described as the worst natural disaster since Superstorm Sandy in 2012.
Notice how many people criticize presidents and candidates but will likely never amount to anything equally significant in their lives? Just seems like a double standard to me.
由Valyrian_Prime編輯: 8/20/2016 10:33:07 PMIt's fascinating when one who uses the word "white" in circumstances such as this clearly has loss ones marbles, when the typical color of a caucasian is peach. Since when does Peach mean White? To fairly say, Japanese and Koreans are practically white, SMDH..
His goal is clearly to create racial tensions. He wont stop trying to paint white people as racists Its funny because fact: white people help and donate more to charitable causes and disaster relief than any other race yet we are painted as discriminatory racists by our own president Cant wait for him to leave
由savage coco編輯: 8/21/2016 7:28:04 AMThe amount of money he has spent on going on vacations is ridiculous. Being president should be taken seriously, yet all he does is golf & spread more of a race divide
Thanks for the love and support Mr. President! I'm sure everyone's worried about rescue teams being racist in a time like this! /s
>this really happened instead of sending aid a completely culturally ignorant, divisive message instead of helping people without homes, food, water, clothes, money, documents,etc. people who literally lost everything. people band together to help each other in times of great need. race/religion/etc. doesn't matter. that's what Southern culture and American culture is.
GG Obama Let people die and suffer for no reason[spoiler]just go on a vacation and never come back[/spoiler]
由shay zare編輯: 8/25/2016 1:10:52 AMYeah mannn... he OBAMA, aka Berry White.. should do what little bush Jr Did and take a 120 day vacation... you remember that buddy if not Google it Dummmmm Racist Asses.. he is half white... maybe not, because he has one drop of black blood, so, that would make him all black.. White.. sorry I ment right... I used to never see color b4.. because my family is soon Diverse.. thanks racist people 4 expressing so much hate.. show your true colors, stop hiding behind fake corner cheek smiles and display your true Emot-ions..... lol... Time go out and vote for my favorite presidential Orange candidate Donald Trump make America really white again...
由Jones Burrs Alt編輯: 8/20/2016 7:24:39 AM[quote]The administration guidance cited instances of discrimination in Gulf Coast states after Hurricane Katrina and Hurricane Rita in 2005, such as “numerous media reports [that] showed images of African Americans stranded on roofs in New Orleans.” “These images exposed significant inequalities in access to emergency response and recovery efforts,” said the guidance.[/quote] Well, considering in New Orleans the black population is 3x that of whites, the extremely low areas that flooded where mostly black neighborhoods, and, sad but true, more whites had the means to leave the city and go to hurricane shelters in North Louisiana why is it surprising that there would be images of them stranded on roofs? Years ago when the Mississippi flooded Minnesota and Iowa there where a bunch of images of white people on roofs too.
They should have learned their lesson from Katrina. Hmm, a big storm destroys everything? Let's just stay here!
It's funny, race relations have been demolished under Obama, and yet people think that gender relations will improve under Hillary?
[quote]The administration guidance cited instances of discrimination in Gulf Coast states after Hurricane Katrina and Hurricane Rita in 2005, such as “numerous media reports [that] showed images of African Americans stranded on roofs in New Orleans.” “These images exposed significant inequalities in access to emergency response and recovery efforts,” said the guidance.[/quote] Yes, because as we all know, anything that inconveniences black Americans is motivated by racism and is indicative of inequality in the system. Give me a damn break. I already went into great detail on BLM's false narrative. Do I really have to start targeting [i]every[/i] instance like this? Can people at least be given the benefit of the doubt instead of being labeled racist by default?
you do realize that when katrina happened; the ARMY was mobilized and had orders to shoot looters on sight also some people of color were delayed on their rescue as they were thought to be of gang affiliation or homeless-----> which meant they were not a priority so yea it kinda matters in situations of life or death that people are not discriminated or judged by appearances
Good. This needed to be said and people shouldn't have a problem with it if there are no discriminatory practices taking place.
1) Technically, its a fair point to make, since FEDERAL resources are being allocated to the region, and Katrina did indicate that there was preferential/discriminatory handling of the situation. 2) There's some evidence of minor-level discrimination happening as is, so it seems fair to remind them to make sure it doesn't seep upwards.