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8/17/2016 4:46:09 PM

Funny & painful raid memories, Yr 1s will appreciate

So I was clearing out the drive on a laptop I'm about to smash and found this love letter to the gaming forum I used to be a part of. This brings back some pain for sure. Forever 29!! Hi all, Thought I’d share my thoughts and experiences with the first raid from Destiny, the Vault of Glass. I’ve completed this 4 times on normal mode and once on hard. Firstly I’d like to talk about the RNG drops and how frustrating they are. Here is what I have obtained from completing it - Run 1 / Normal Mode - A ship. Yup, a ship. Run 2 / Normal Mode - Monte Carlo - exotic auto rifle exclusive to PS4. It sounds like a machine gun, looks awesome (one of only 4 in game weapons with a bayonet) but peashooters do more damage :/ Prefer my Shadow Price. Run 3 / Normal Mode - Shards. Nothing but shards. wtf bungie?? Run 4 / Normal Mode - Vision of Confluence, legendary scout rifle. Awesome gun for taking into the raid as it has an upgrade called Oracle Disruptor (could have done with that in my last job!) whereby it deals bonus damage to the Oracles. Run 5 / Hard Mode - A legendary sparrow. Yep, you read that right. A f’in sparrow… Hard mode. A sparrow. No mythoclast. An exploding sparrow. Go too fast it explodes. Hmmm. It may have been naive of me to think you’d come out of the raid once and be relatively satisfied but having to grind it like this to reach the level cap seems absurd. What do you guys think about the RNG drops? Are you fans of this type of drop rate or simply don’t care? I would trade shards for a piece of raid armour right now. Moving on. The raid itself is not an 11 or 12 hour slog as long as everybody taking part - is level 28 or above is on comms has fully upgraded legendary or exotic weaponry brings plenty of ammo synthesis (although this is buggy atm and sometimes doesn’t work). Don’t worry about spending your glimmer you’ll get plenty more in the vault. has patience and expects to die a lot and start over from last checkpoint. Guardian Down. Is not afraid to use the relic. Everybody should know how to use it. Everybody. Stick to a strategy through each encounter & boss. Don’t ‘Leroy Jenkins’ it when the rest of your team are swapping out gear or have gone to the loo / bar / for a cig. Can survive the jumping puzzle. I’m serious. First time I got to the jumping puzzle (post Templar, pre Atheon) I died over and over and over and over again. I wanted to cry. I hate Mario games. Anyways. Some people seem afraid to try the Raid. Others think it will take too long, which it will until you have got through each encounter once or twice but that is why the checkpoint save is there. Some people won’t use the relic but after the last patch the teleporting in the Atheon encounter is completely random now so everybody needs to learn how to use it. There are a couple of cheeses that I refuse to show you on the first run through, they make the templar and atheon encounters silly, you’re here to fight Guardian. Plus if you do the raid with randoms not from this forum you’ll be in better shape to get through if the cheeses are ever patched. Recommended fireteam - 2 defender Titans with blessings and weapons 4 warlocks - all sunsinger with self res I have no idea what the hunter class is supposed to bring to this raid but if you main a hunter I’d run bladedancer for invisibility during gorgons maze maybe. My loadout 1st time Primary - Shadow price Secondary - Icebreaker / hide & seek Heavy - Zombie apocalypse (void) - bring ghally if you bought one :/ Anyways, leave a message below if you fancy a go this Saturday. I’ll be on from 7pm.



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