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由BeardedLuck0809編輯: 7/15/2016 1:50:10 PM

Just a thought...

There's a post on here that mentions the infamous Dinklebot and the missing of our beloved imp. After reading it and some of the responses, I had an epiphany. What if there were something, a chip or card slot perhaps, that you could fill to change the voice of your Ghost. Now, there's no disrespect to the current voice but I think we can all agree when I say that we miss the infamous line, "We've woken the hive!" Now I'm not saying bring back The imp, even though it would be nice to hear a familiar voice again. What I AM saying however, is perhaps having something like a chip or device that alters your ghosts voice to that of a Scottish female or Russian male or something along those lines. If you think it's a terrible idea or think it needs tweaking, please comment below! Edit: Same goes for if you have suggestions for voices, accents, actors and the like! Edit 2: Perhaps make them an Eververse item and silver is now able to be collected in game?



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