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7/13/2016 2:18:57 PM

What really salts my fries.

You know what's always pissed me off, triggered me, grinded my gears, salted my fries, boiled my veggies (etc)? People who write, and have no talent in doing it. Yet they share it with the public, or more specifically within earshot or eyesight of me. Especially you wanna be novelists. The dialogue is often trash, and it's filled with cliché after cliché. More often then not the person is ripping off about three different novels, and substituting their own characters in... which are often a homeless man's version of other popular characters. OR they're writing themselves really in as the main character, and inputting themselves as important people who do cool shit. You know these people. These are the 15 year olds who say "I'm writing my own book actually" and take writing classes to make sure they could share their trash with everyone else. And then there are admittedly the people who try to go their own way, they suck too, usually at things like poetry though. This gets at me less, due to the fact that at least they try to be original. And poetry is usually a lot easier to hide mistakes in, unless someone decides an epic would be a great thing to try. The faults with them is usually in either structure or usage of literary devices to communicate the points of the given piece. Sometimes they get lucky and hit a marginally acceptable piece. Praise is due where praise is due. But I suppose I hate the people who build them up more. "It's art! It's expression! That was wonderful!" And all this other crock shit. Teachers are often the worst offenders. They hand out compliments (in my experience) like a stereotypical old woman and candy. But I guess that's because most of "them" are emotionally vulnerable people who seek praise. By doing something with a low and flexible bar for judging "talent" I guess they can get it. I shouldn't fault them so much for wishing to express themselves, but I do, and I will. Even if you aren't emotionally vulnerable, if you suck at writing, you should not do it where I can see it. It's an affront to my delicate sensibilities. Harsh? Absolutely. Salty? You're goddamn right. I pull no punches with English or its affiliates. I've seen a lot of writing in my time, and a lot of it was bad. And they should feel bad. Because my opinion on their garbage is right, and their friends are wrong. [i]Your metaphor for your self abuse in that stanza was trash, your constructed relationships are full of holes, awfully described emotions, and poorly structured cliché, and yes, I could do a better job than you.[/i] Just because someone said writing is art, doesn't mean it can't be shit. [spoiler]Don't like it? Don't read it. Hated it? don't comment. I could say the same to you internet stranger.[/spoiler]



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