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6/28/2016 6:22:28 AM

Straight up, RIP strikers

Strikers are screwed. And seeing the nerf kids get their way, over and over again saddens me. I only play as a hunter and will never stray, but taking a sub class and neutering it is terrible. And will never fill me with any joy. I don't think firebolts burn times were op, that was kinda the point. Minus one for recovery for blinkers is uncalled for. Should've left trip mines alone. Shade step and smoke grenades were fine too. And the sun breakers super had to be ridiculous considering how crappy their neutral was (was/is, no offense). So let's look at shoulder charge. Seems like you gotta wind it up and aim. High risk high reward, going through with it puts the striker in a pretty bad spot. Why nerf it? Wtf is gonna get nerfed after that? Man if these forums didn't exist I think destiny would be such a different game today. We can sit here and talk about balance all day and I'll here you out. But each sub class has its strengths and weaknesses. Why put everyone on such level ground? 1) it's impossible and if you do manage to get it close some how 2) what would we be left with? Our exotic weapons aren't even exotic anymore because of the vast majority who cry nerf. Sorry for the rant, I just can't muster the words that can describe how much I hate all of u that cry nerf. You guys ruin so much for so many people. Shame on you. Bungie can we just vote on all buffs and nerfs from now on please?



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  • The community has ruined this game's classes. When TTK came out, I had always mained a warlock. Mostly stormcaller for PvP. Then, I started seeing forum posts everywhere in early 2016 after Sunbreaker got nerfed saying that warlocks were the most "OP scrub lord class that required no skill", and I didn't like hearing that. Eventually I knew that warlocks were going to get nerfed, so I told myself I'd start maining the most under powered class at the time: Titans. Titans were so much fun to use with Twilight Garrison, and I always thought they were the most balanced class. Since Bungie nerfed Hunters for no apparent reason, Titans are going to get nerfed because of all the whining. Instead of asking to buff Hunters back, the community asks for Titans to be nerfed. I could deal with having to adapt to new weapons all of the time, but having to constantly adapt to a new favorite class to play is tedious. The worst part is that if you find something that works for you, you're automatically labeled bad and need a "crutch".



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