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由Seraphim Crypto編輯: 6/14/2016 8:04:56 AM

Does anyone else miss vanilla? (Hunter nerf rant included)

Year one >


Year two >


I like both equally


I didn't play during year one


This nerf is so gay. The fact they're nerfing blade dancer while buffing sun breaker is the dumbest thing I've ever heard of. They're making young ahamkaras spine out to be junk. Aclyophage symbiote is still nerfed. They're actually nerfing throwing knives. Hunters have been out of the spotlight since ttk even after the other class nerfs. They're making envenomed jumpable in which makes it easily escapable. The only good thing is gg damage buff, blade dancer duration increased by one second (my, thanks bungie!) and tether procs on impact. Everything else is garbage. Nobody is going to use swarm grenade still. There's a few ups with the downs but the nerfs just made them useless. Hunters are officially garbage. I had my first 30 kill game, I'm a hunter main sniper who used to use hand cannons, since ttk on a warlock using a shotgun, scout rifle, with the ram, no heavy. I didn't even have void walker maxed. The ram is broken a'f. Health regen before the melee even makes contact. These nerfs and buff are a slap in the face to the community and pandering to the newcomers. They need to reset everything back to vanilla then worry about what needs to be buffed not nerfed. I mean, stuff like OG vex that's ridiculously op yeah that needs a nerf but stop nerfing scopes on snipers or whatever's popular at the time because you guys forced us into this stupid damage fall off, scout/pulse rifle meta. I'm sick of it. I might just switch to halo. Destiny year one was so so so so much better. Back then all we wanted was content but it was fun, now we have the content but no fun. There is no good balance for this game, balancing just means no fun. This games not meant to be ridiculously competitive except for trials. Anyways, I hope rise of iron makes up for all this but I doubt it. Congrats bungie, you killed a game we all came to love. It's really sad. thats why you see so many people jumping ship to other games like over watch, the division, and plenty more I'm sure. I hope they hear out the year one veteran community and bring back what made the game fun. A Pvp that wasn't all inaccuracy and damage fall off with only a select few weapons that are viable, not even good, just viable. Night falls you actually wanted to do, that you looked forward to. The daily mission modifiers. The weekly rituals that made the game fun. Please bungie, merge year one with year twos content and your community will fan girl all over again. Keep up with these petty balances and you're just gonna lose more and more. I should probably post this to the actual patch notes, which I probably will, but I really hope we can change this. [spoiler]Moderator edit: This thread has been moved to #Feedback forum so that other Destiny players can weigh in. See [url=]Cozmo's thread[/url] for more information about the #Feedback tag and its uses. Feel free to private message the moderator who moved your post, link to topic for further clarification about why this topic was moved.[/spoiler]



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