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由Swiftlock編輯: 6/15/2016 8:26:01 PM
Tripmines, Arc Blade, and Viking Funeral could've been handled better. All that's going to happen is that players will dogpile onto the next most effective perk builds. You do not get "diversity" out of simply gimping the most used traits. It's a slippery slope that Bungie just can't seem to get themselves out of. That's not my idea of "good for Destiny".



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  • They didn't "gimp" everything, they made minor changes to several of the most irritating abilities ref Flamebolt, smoke, and Tripmines. As for bladedancer, you obviously haven't used it- it is just five, and I feel it is actually a little better now in a lot of ways. In addition to some minor changes to PvP, they actually made some enormous buffs for supers in PvE. As in, they made them feel SUPER. Awesome. Plus, the Sunsinger (a support class) now can actually support in PvE with their debuff ability. That sounds like an EXPANSION of abilities, not a "gimping" of them.



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  • 由Swiftlock編輯: 6/15/2016 11:41:47 PM
    A 5% defense debuff turns 100 damage into 105 damage. Whoop-de-doo. Trying to stack more burns on top of that (typically via Radiance/Melee) is typically not worth the hassle. Double Fusion Grenades + Radiant Will can do a much more efficient job obliterating endgame enemies. Tripmines no longer sticking to enemies isn't that big of a deal, but they didn't deserve the damage nerf. Now Hunters are urged to babysit their tripmines so they can finish off enemies that have been damaged by them. They also aren't as effective in PvE now. Arc Blade also just needed its hit detection fixed. Punishing players so hard for missed swings was not needed. No, it is not an "expansion". Let's not kid ourselves. I love having unpopular opinions too, but you need to open your mind a little before you pick your battles.



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  • I discussed the Sunsinger ability with someone else in the thread. It probably needs a little more, but the ability for it to stack to 15% makes it roughly half of Shadowshot, but in spammable grenade form. I dont think that will be as weak as some are saying. The key point is the transition of the perk to support from offense. THAT's what I mean by expansion of abilities. Tweaks from there are another matter, but i think they are moving in the right direction.



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