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由UltraNoahXV編輯: 6/14/2016 6:52:53 PM

Please, Stop With The Nerfs. Its making the game worse everytime. (Look at June Patches with Weapons and Subclasses) 6% less damage on Max RoF Autos (Doctrine)? Really? You could've just you know, Buff other primaries. Increasing Accuracy on Hand Cannons was fine but Phantom Bullets might be still a thing. What about Pulse Rifles? Reducing time to pick up ammo? You could've just, you know, increase ammo from non-guardian combats that are killed. [b][i][u]Nerfing Sunsinger Warlocks? Really?[/u][/i][/b] Thanks for The Buff to storm Caller but really? That was just uneccessary? Also, Buffing the night stalker supers major is great but not buffing any other support character like Defender Titans could need some help. BUFFING WOMBO COMBO? edit:(in damage and radius terms). we are seeing more Hunters when update hits tommorow. New Representative, I don't know who you are, but if Jon Weisenski is telling you what to do, he is coward for puting those nerfs under your name. If its you, please Look at how gameplay is affected from nerfs on YouTube from past patches. [b][u][u]Bungie, I am sorry if this an attack. But I am SICK AND TIRED OF ALL THE NERFS. DO YOU EVEN PLAY YOUR OWN GAME? And please don't give me the excuse of "Our community managers do that and go tell info." NO. PLAY YOUR OWN GAME on a daily to weekly basis and TELL us what needs nerfing.[/u][/u][/b] [b][i][u]Its like the developers don't even read these fourms and DO NOT CARE ABOUT the feedback sent by Cozmo.[/u][/i][/b] [spoiler]My method of separating pve from PVP: The easiest way to do that is to do the same thing that you do to increase or decrease damage with different types of guns against A.I combatants. A.I example (Update 1.1.1) [quote]Shotguns Increased damage against all non-Guardian combatants by 2x (100% increase) Reduced high-end range values Damage falloff starts sooner Reduced starting ammunition in PVP [/quote] PVP Example: Auto Rifles do 3% more damage against Guardians in the Crucible. Ammo Example: Guardians pick up less special ammo in Crucible Game Modes. There. That's it. That's how you separate damage and Ammo. Its so simple. I wish I had thought of this earlier. Comment below on what you think. [/spoiler] Pleaae share if possible



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  • 由magburner編輯: 6/15/2016 3:16:10 PM
    Do you mind, children might be watching...



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  • So I played the nightfall and did a few raids last night and wanted to see if I felt more powerful in pve or not. To be honest I felt no significant change. I didn't feel more powerful in the raid. In fact I died more then I ever do to some pretty dumb stuff like misadventure that made no sense. Here's my problem. I'm not going to change my load out or super during the raid. So any buffs for classes that are meaningless to the task are irrelevant and that's where I think this buff in pve gets lost. Maybe in strikes it might be different but even then I use specific loadouts. Haven't tried pvp yet. I just have gotten to the point that if they say what I have in pve should be the same as pvp last month, then why did they make them different this month. That's what bothers me about it.



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    • I'm all with you on this one. I'm tired of the nerfs, especially the PVP nerfs which also hit hard in PVE. I can't take this crap anymore and I know that the new DLC will do nothing to fix the over-arching philosophy of the Bungie Dev's, so ultimately I'm going to just retire my guardians tonight and play other games. Destiny has been fun, some eras more than others (COUGH- Y1-COUGH) but it's time to put it down and give it a rest.



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      13 回覆
      • This is how Bungie plays their own game. "Hey you stand still and stop moving around let me shoot you with my last word so we can see if the shots are registering!" Bam bam bam....."It works too well, let Jon W know that this gun it too accurate and it needs a nerf!!! Even though the range sucks!!" Seriously we've all seen their "GAMEPLAY" of weapon testing in the last patch on stream. Some of them were literally standing still for the other guy to shoot at.



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        • I get that nerfs are frustrating, but the forums seem to be full of people saying that buffs are better for the game. I don't want destiny to become another COD. I like having some time to out shoot/out play my opponent. And this is where buffing and increasing time to kill for all weapon archetypes will get us. I'm not saying I agree with the specific weapons and ways they chose to balance guns...but nerfs are important to keep the game from becoming a twitchy COD rip off.



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          10 回覆
          • I agree with you totally! They keep nerfing stuff because they're trying to "balance" pvp all the while hurting pve. At some point bungie is going to have to break and realize that this whole them wanting your guardian to feel the same everywhere you go crap just doesn't work! We can never truly feel powerful in pve if they constantly nerf guns and abilities for the sake of pvp!



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            6 回覆
            • My Warlock has been my only character worth playing the last few months in PVE.Sunsinger was my favorite because of it's strong neutral game and I find the grenades more fun.My Arminius-d was my primary on my warlock.It's just a fun gun to use. Hunters and Titans have been tedious,to say the least.I don't even play pvp any more,and it has a lot to do with the fact that these pvp nerf children have no respect for the pve game. Anyway,I won't be back on until 3.0 drops(except possibly if the weather us bad and I'm trapped inside),because I only enjoy the game until they start nerfing new content. It goes like this Step 1) create new guns,content,and armor Step 2) wait a month and start nerfing all of the guns everyone likes and reduce drop rates to artificially inflate playtime by creating a tedious grind to max level.



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            • they are actually nerfing the hunter wombo combo, you can now jump out of it. And sunsingers desperately needed a nerf on the viking funeral, the new rework is going to be a lot more interesting and make it so you have to use actual skill to get kills instead of just chucking two grenades somewhere every minute and getting a team wipe.



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              • Did you just complain about sunsingers being nerfed? I didn't know you people existed :D



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                • 由auragamee編輯: 6/15/2016 12:17:03 AM
                  I agree except for if they did only buffs you know what would happen. [spoiler]Increased damage by 0.04%.[/spoiler]



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                • You're wrong about the Hand Cannons and ammo. They buffed Hand Cannons. The ammo thing is a good thing too. Now when you get stuck in a corner with low ammo the game will gather the ammo up and give it to you. The AR nerf on the other hand.... What the -blam!- were they thinking?! 99% of ARs were already useless in PvP and PvE and because one weapon (Doctrine) was actually usable they nerf the last pathetic remnants of ARs into the ground. Such garbage.



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                  • finally the doctrine is getting a nerf, git gud if you cry about that.



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                    7 回覆
                    • It's the Filthy Casuals patch. This is what Destiny has become sadly.



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                      • I would have preferred phantom bullets over more damage falloff :(



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                      • Guess I? Longer time to kill means skill actually comes into effect. If you seriously think that if one thing is op then just buff everything else then we will eventually just be call of duty. Get over it.



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                        • #bringbackyear1



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                          • I'M GOING TO SAY THIS ONLY ONCE: ------------------------------------------------------------- [u]THE WOMBO COMBO IS NOT GETTING A BUFF AT ALL, EVERYONE WILL BE ABLE TO ESCAPE FROM THE SMOKE BEFORE DYING[/u] ----------------------------------------



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                            4 回覆
                            • Bungie hasnot played a Bladedancer since Dark Below These nerfs are the last straw, less arc blade energy? Give us more like in Y1, Troipmines dont stick????? Do people design these just to piss off the community??



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                              1 回覆
                              • lmfao firebolts with viking funeral were broken as -blam!- and you still believe it was unneccasary?



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                                • Remember when cozmo said not everything gets changed because of pvp.......welp



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                                  • People need to read all of the notes and realize that these updates balance out the classes to promote a greater sense of parity in the game, before you pass judgement. Some things were nerfed but at the same time buffed. Get over it people. If you cant adjust to the minor changes in the game then just quit.



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                                    2 回覆
                                    • 由EvilHenchman編輯: 6/14/2016 4:01:36 AM
                                      Aaaand gunslinger took it in the shorthairs. What in the actual -blam!-. Every single nerf the announced has just made it a shit show. I'm on hiatus since I'm working out of town, not looking forward to jumping back on now. Bungie logic: let's destroy every subclass in pvp, but give them a boost in pve .... after directly stating that they don't want weapons, abilities, or supers to feel different when playing pvp and pve. Eat a dick bungie. Way to go.



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                                      • Most people have no idea what they are talking about when it comes to crucible balance. please keep it to the professionals. This includes you op, so just be quiet.



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                                        3 回覆
                                        • Buffing wombo combo? You realise that they nerfed the main thing that made them so deadly? You can jump out of them now. Sure they last longer. But unless the person gets stuck with the smoke bomb I don't think they'll be as effective anymore.



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                                          • Bump. Separate PvE and PvP.



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                                            • The game was fine and yet you have to nerf and punish warlocks for what? Every class has there thing but I guess that doesn't matter to you guys and gals at the bungie head quarters, truly only care about the dollar and that is so clear.



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