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5/31/2016 1:15:28 AM

What Fellow Progressives And I Fundamentally Disagree On...







I would like to preface my main point by saying I am a left-wing individual on most issues. I support same-sex marriage, I am pro-choice, I support the legalization and decriminalization of all drugs, and I am a populist in nature, being a proud opponent of large businesses like Walmart. This is what fellow progressives and I agree on; the fundamental principles of equal opportunity, social justice and freedom. However, what I see fellow liberals and I debating the most, is the value of all human life; specifically the value of the profoundly disabled. My question to everyone, is.[i] Why do we spend millions of dollars every year to aid individuals that will never actually be a productive member of society? [/i] The people I'm talking about, aren't people with high-functioning learning disabilities or physical limitations. I'm talking about severe mental deficiencies; people, who function at the level of a small child, at best. I don't hate these people by any means, I simply don't get why governments fund these people instead of just [b]giving the families of these people the option[/b] to simply euthanize them. Of course speaking hypothetically, that process would not be taken lightly, and rightly so. We would be dealing with the value of a human life, and this is most likely, the answer to my own question; that morality outweighs prosperity. The ultimate question here, is as follows... [i]Do you personally support the voluntary and optional euthanasia of the mentally disabled?[/i]



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  • I think it should be the choice of the person who is handicapped to decide, but if they are completely brain dead then it's more kind to just off. (Let me clarify that by saying that they would have to be almost a vegetable for it to be out of their hands.)



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