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由sanityclouds編輯: 6/13/2016 3:29:48 AM

Chill 23 y/o looking for a clan!

Time zone is PST. I'm not new to Destiny so I know how the raids and all that jazz work. This is just a new PSN. I mainly am looking for a group to do pvp with. I get bored solo, so I'll usually try to find a group to play with from the clan. I'm chill and don't rage, however I will strongly disagree with some of the things that occur in this game haha. I'll be on pretty consistently and can get chatty if the people are cool. Feel free to comment, message me, or whatever else! . PSN: sanityclouds Cheers!



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  • Bump. Don't play with either of the groups I've ended up trying with.



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  • 由JAY-CAMAROGIRL-編輯: 5/22/2016 3:01:52 PM
    Hey there! The Celestial Legends II group open as well as some room for new clanmates. We are a chill group of people who play to have fun. We have a wide range of players interested in different aspects of the game. A lot of players are usa and Canada based with some from the uk. We also use an app called GroupMe to talk as well. The only thing I ask from people in my groups is to be 18+ and on ps4/ps3. If you'd like to know a little more just send me a message 😄



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  • 1
    [quote]Recruitment Eyes Up Guardian. My Name's redeyejapeye, And I Am One Of Many Wolves (And A Distinguished Few Alpha Wolves) That Help Run My Clan, Xx The WolfPack xX. If You Are Here Likely You Are A Lone Wolf, Hunting In The Wild Alone In Search Of Others Like You To Complete Your Missions, Raids, Quests, Iron Banner, Trials, And, Most Importantly, Compete And Have Fun. Stop Searching. The WolfPack Is Looking For Guardians Just Like You. Come Hunt With Our Pack, We Welcome Brothers And Sisters, New Players And Destiny Veterans Alike. No Raid Experience? New To Crucible? No Problem. No Silly Elitist Requirements, And No Worries, You Are Welcome Here. We Are A Close Knit Community Of Guys And Girls Looking Out For Each Other, Slaying Space Monsters, And Having A Bit Of Fun Along The Way. If This Sounds Like Your Kind Of Experience, Give Us A Howl! Contact Information Is As Follows. [Xbox One]: Lead Admin: [PS4]: Lead Admin: [Xbox 360]: Lead Admin: [PS3]: Lead Admin: *The PS3 Clan Was Recently Reformed So Bear With Us As We Repopulate :) Come Find Out Why Hundreds Of Guardians Have Already Called The WolfPack Their Home![/quote]



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  • Hello! If you identify as female and would be interested in an all-female group, check out Sisterhood of Guardians (! We're a fun and friendly group active on all consoles. If you have any questions/concerns, feel free to contact any admin!



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  • [quote]Hey I just made a Clan named Association, it's pure PVP and Trials and PS4 based. The Clan is newly made so not a lot of people in it but we can make it grow little by little.[/quote]



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  • bump



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  • Kicked in the Cabalz clan would be happy to have you



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