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5/20/2016 7:19:38 PM

The Raccoon Masquerade wants you (ps3 and ps4) Hi! I'm tterrag920 and I am the leader of the Raccoon Masquerade. We are The Raccoon Masquerade we are small and growing and would love to see you in our chat. As the game is growing the forums tend to become toxic and we would love to give you a place to call home in the middle of the toxicity of the forums. Our only rules are to be active (if you go on vacation we understand and won't kick you out), also be friendly in chat, don't rage in our chat, and don't curse in our chat or in game voice chat, and just be respectful of others. I look forward to playing with you. We're on ps3 and ps4. No mic required and no light requirements.



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