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5/11/2016 8:53:12 PM

Etiquette for fellow guardians.

1. Do no message other players with a topic. Nothing is more annoying than getting 30+ messages with just "Play Destiny" as the headline, join your team only to find out you are just wanting to do bounties. If you want someone to run bounties with you to make it go faster that is fine, but please make it the topic. 2.Do not make outrageous requirements if you yourself cannot fulfill them. Seriously, I really hate seeing things like "Must be 330+, have black spindle, Etc." and then when I join the people themselves do not have these things. 3.Do no lie to your fellow guardians. Going from experience if you just tell people you don't know how to do something [b][i][u]BEFORE[/u][/i][/b] you start the activity they will actually stop and help you out, but if you lie and continue to keep up the lie you WILL get booted and you WILL be treated as noob. 4.Be at least willing to help your fellow guardians. Seriously folks, the more people that know how to do something the faster it will go and the easier it is to get parties. If you don't have a lot of time to help let these people know that. 5.If you bring stats or load-outs into an argument be prepared for a verbal ass blasting. Can't tell you how many times someone would be like "Hurr durr this is bad", "Hurr hurr you had 0.5 in the last game, you suck", or "Hue hue you don't play trials so you don't know how to competitive play works" only to see them rocking meta builds,have terrible K/D/W/L ratios, and get carried in trials like a sack of potatoes. Respect your fellow players' stat privacy if you want yours to be respected as well. 6.LISTEN, PAY ATTENTION, AND RESPECT EACH OTHER. This is something I cannot stress enough. I have had entire raid parties end in seconds due to misunderstanding and been booted from them as well. Lag happens sometimes and can cause mistakes, deaths, and even bosses/enemies to respawn. When someone is trying to explain why something happen don't just chalk it up to making excuses. 7.Don't take everything so seriously. Honestly this is the best advice I can give. When you get stressed out and angry at something you tend to preform worse. This is a game you are meant to have fun with and if you aren't having fun then you shouldn't be playing. If something is giving you a tough time stop and take break, pick it up later. Feel free to add on to these if you feel they are necessary



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