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4/27/2016 1:32:57 AM

The Etiquette of the Heavy Ammo Crate (Refresher Course)

It's Iron Banner again, which means that once again, people who don't normally play PvP are trying to remember how. This also means- yes, you guessed it- someone is on the forum telling them that they're opening the heavy ammo crates too soon. There's a certain etiquette involved in opening the crate when you're on a team. If you're the only one at the crate, and there's no red on your radar, DON'T OPEN THE DAMN CRATE. I can't put it more clearly than that. Wait for the rest of your team so they get some heavy ammo as well. Obviously, it's a judgement call sometimes. There may be a red line at the edge of your screen... in that case, is your team closer than the enemy? Can you wait for them? Or do you have an enemy bearing down on you, lusting for your chitlins, so that you have to pop the crate or risk losing it to the other team? But other times, there's no judgement to be made. It's a clear case of seeing that half of your team is still converging on the crate, knowing that the enemy is nowhere in sight, and just [i]not caring[/i]. Yes, there's an announcement when heavy ammo is inbound. But on many maps, that's still not a lot of time to get to the crate from wherever one happens to be, especially since there's actual fighting taking place. Not everyone arranges their game around the drop timer. Sometimes it's just bad luck. Whatever the case, delaying a second or two is not going to cost you the game, and having a few more players with heavy ammo might actually affect the outcome. Many a loss has turned into a win, and vice-versa, based on some heavy kills at the right time. Think about it next time you're tempted to open that crate all by yourself.



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  • Curious, as I dont tend to play IB when it is Clash... Think its been twice so far? Not including today. Mainly because I find it not fun. The first week it was almost every match was against at least a team of 4 with two randos. And it was a Camp the Heavy fest. Now I was solo and most of my team was so that was why it wasnt fun for me. Anyways my point is that now with only 1 heavy, is it like this still in the first 5 minutes? I dont have time this week to play anyways, jw.



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    • "Lusting for your chitlins" HAHAHAHAHA XD. I'm crying



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      • My buddy was very guilty of this a few times. It was very satisfying when he turned the corner once straight into a super. Laughing at him fixed it where being yelly didn't



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      • Or just do what I do, purposely avoid getting heavy and go and attack the other teams via either supers, wombo combos, or snipers. I honestly think that heavy ammo should be taken out of crucible. If you're playing a skirmish match, the team that wins the heavy engagements usually wins the game. Even the small amount of ammo that drops for an lmg now is still enough for someone that's proficient in using one to go on a sizable kill streak. I don't entirely hate heavy round in trials or elimination simply because A. It's one round and B. It gives the losing team an opportunity to push back and gain some momentum. But i still think that it should be taken out of crucible entirely regardless.



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      • Saw a shocking example of this last night: Player 1. Camping heavy and has been for a while Players 2-3 super to protect heavy, killing several inbound players Me: Turned up a bit late, can see the super fight but not really influence it. Is wary of player 1. Player 1 then proceeded to nick all the heavy for himself, pissing off me and the two guys who supered to protect it, then walk onto an enemy rocket. -blam!- you player 1.



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        • I usually wait for at least 2 of my teammates to get there, but certain heavy crates you simply can't wait at, outside on Pantheon being one that comes to mind. If I see red on the radar though, I'm picking it up



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        • Thanks so much for the crucible lesson, oh great noob shepherd. I've seen more wins turn to losses when a team gets wiped out by a nova bomb etc. waiting for some donk who can't be troubled to pay attention to anything but themselves than I've seen losses turn to wins because two more people have a couple rockets. It's not as if the heavy drops at a random time. Watch the clock, get toward heavy. If I can see you and you're running and there's not a blip of red, I'll give you two seconds. Then I'm getting back in the fight, not waiting at the most obvious target on the map practically begging someone to rain righteous bumper-delivered justice on me. Do your own job and be aware.



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        • I agree with this post, although I don't have that big a problem, I either rush the other team's heavy with a super, or snipe them as they pick it up or before they do, and then waltz up and grab some ammo for my quillium's...



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          • I honestly feel like the range at which the heavy ammo crates produce said heavy ammo for nearby teammates should be increased. Recently I've been finding Myself waiting at the heavy crates, then a teammate will grab it, and I won't get any ammo, despite being less than a sword swing away.



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            • I mean it's you're fault for not being their, and if I see red all over my radar I'm taking it and dipping out of there



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            • My favorite is when I see an enemy approaching while I'm waiting for my teammates on the box, and so I take off, get into a big brawl with a few enemies, kill them all, and come back to see that, while I was protecting his stupid ass so that he could get ammo, some dumb random has opened it without me.



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              • If you pick up the heavy when I'm within 20 ft of it, be prepared to lose the match. I will spend the rest of the time feeding enemy kills, taunting you, tbag you, and blocking your line of sight. -blam!- off.



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              • I will always hold heavy until I see red on the radar. Then it's time to pick it.



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                • Many times that's too late, if there's red on the radar, chances are the enemy can see you, also every second not grabbing it is giving the enemy more time to grab theirs and gain map control. I pull it as soon as it pops. I've been supered enough times waiting for pokey teammates that I grab that shit ASAP. Especially since it only pops once a match now. You snooze you lose.



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                  • 由Tesshu_Yamaoka編輯: 4/28/2016 5:12:35 AM
                    Well said :-) I was tempted yesterday to mail someone post game about this. Counted to 10 and luckily decided against it. Really annoying if you see a Blueberry at the crate and you are rushing towards it with two team mates, knowing you probably be too late..



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                  • 0
                    -blam!- that, I used to follow this but now if you are no prepared for the one heavy drop you're missing out bud



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                    • If there's red I don't grab either. I back up, bait and kill



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                    • Nope, I'm hogging all those juicy tube shaped rocket missiles and either: A. Getting killed by Truth withing 20 seconds. B. Shooting the wall and killing myself on accident. C. Falling off the map.



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                      • Everytime I wait I get shit on by a super while my teammates just grab away. If it's there and my team isn't, you're damn right I'm snatching it.



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                        • Yep. Getting sick of "That idiot blue" who decides getting it for only himself is worth it. 4/7 heavy kills on my damn Versatility bounty atm with my second character as a result.



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                        • Do not give a shit. Its a game, if I am slow and others open the crate, then tough. If I get there first, yeah I will wait 3 /4 seconds then open once again you're not there tough. Its a game build a -blam!-ing bridge and get over it.



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                          11 回覆
                          • Don't tell me what to do, you're not my real mum. I'll open it when I want. If you haven't got to it in the 15 second countdown you need to check your privilege



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                          • I agree with with you except I take heavy as soon as red appears on radar, if you wait you die... The whole other team is rushing many times, pull heavy at first site of red. "IMO"



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                            • To be honest I don't really give a sh!t if my team takes heavy ammo before I get there just so long as they actually get kills with it.



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                              • Agreed, though once today I was at the ammo crate, no one around and no one seemed yo be coming. Based on the HUD markers it looked like my whole other team was at the other ammo crate, so I opened mine.



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                              • I like to die defending unopened heavy, even if that means sacrificing myself and a super. I participate in Heavy Ammo etiquette, as it is very helpful to most if not the whole team.



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