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由Tsukuyomi Zero編輯: 3/12/2016 12:33:05 PM

Reintroduce Crimson Shells

Quite a lot of people missed out on the Ghost they aimed for during Crimson Days, many people played 30, 50 & tonnes more matches, yet did not receive the ghost they aimed for, even when the 320 Ghosts were given out, the people who wanted the crimson Shell got a Sugary shell & the people who wanted the sugary shell got the crimson shell. A lot of people are still pissed of about this. Can something be done. We played during this event, but again your drop rates were a joke!. Do something, allow people to trade Ghosts,[b] Give us an option to turn them into the speaker for the Ghost they wanted[/b][b], Introduce them into the Nightfall loot Table [/b]> not increasing Ghost drops but replacing abundant ones, [b]Sell them at Eververse > at 3 defense.[/b] (Ghosts are cosmetic, 3 def is not paying to win) Seriously, My [url=]poll [/url]I conducted shows that over 1 Third missed out due to your mistake.



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