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3/3/2016 10:00:37 PM

-blam!- destiny and -blam!- bungie im done

Ok we all know what is going on with destiny and we all know that bungie truly -blam!-ed up alot of shit in this game. Im just here to make one last bitchy ass post before I uninstall destiny to make room for dark souls 3. Let's get started shall we. No one actually gives a -blam!- when you first started playing this broken shit of a game because it's the same gameplay since day -blam!-ing one and holy shit I am so bored of just doing the same bull shit raids and strikes over and over again. We all know that this stupid pile of piss had a story at one point then somewhere a bunch of you bungie employees left and who ever was left just said "hey maybe if we write our it's time to stop. This story is so much cancer that I can actually feel the tumors growing on my back lets just give the consumer a game with a rushed and non existing story but still advertise it with having a deep as -blam!- plot because we have a -blam!-ing hype as -blam!- train going as fast as a fat guy rolling after a strawberry short cake that can print loads of -blam!-ing money" Im tired of grinding for gear that has little to nothing special about them. Every piece of gear you get has nothing unique about them only that one can make your -blam!- ass look special to the fresh new -blam!- too destiny. Oooooo you have a purple chest peice that will only be useful in this specific raid and if you go anywhere else, like the bitch ass strikes that noone wants to do, with the gear half of its perks will be -blam!-ing useless. Oooooo you have a purple gun that has a cool perk let me pull out my green and blue with the exact same perk to make you look like a stupid tool for grinding and farming to get it. Now you faggoats at bungie are making some content for the game but somthing -blam!-ing tells me it will only be free for a limited time then BAM MOTHER -blam!-ER pay 40/60 dollars just to suck our ever growing dick and wait a whole year just to say "maybe that wasn't what destiny needed...more micro-transactions and more cut content that prolly was already in the game but sure as -blam!- got cut it out just to sell it to us later while bungie -blam!-ing Jacks off into the mouth of the poor fag that actually atill sees them as a good company" Happy to see you guys made more than you really deserve on a game with little to no effort and content besides just being one of the first games to hit "next gen" consoles. Can't wait to see what else you guys shit out and make millions upon millions with no effort or content Ok well im done bitching not really but i see destiny finally uninstalled so now im off to pre-order dark souls 3 amd the division bye -blam!- boys #badgrammerandenglishragepost-blam!-er



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