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由Safari Farnsy編輯: 2/25/2016 2:37:46 PM

What to do when u get bullied / harrashed by a Group of Destiny Randoms

So playing Clash and man, a few guys r lagging from the word go.. then somebody starts Lagswitching. We lose (no drama - were neva going to win due to damage / lag issues). So IB game ends & then lose connection to Destiny servers.. is this typical? [u]2 Qu's:[/u] What's the best way of reporting.. is it better to ring yr local freecall & follow-up i.e. BUNGiEs local Customer Call Centre (it's a dream I know)? [b]How do Destiny Players know that reported CHEATERs receive any justice?[/b] So reported them & then had one of their buddy's sends a shitty message.. what's wrong with this game?



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  • Answer with " well, you are off my Christmas list" and move on ;) it's is just all imaginary items after all...



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    • If I get a shitty message I always respond with something irrelevant. "It's cold outside" or "I like bacon and eggs" are my favorite.



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    • Man up and move on by ignoring stupid words that the idiots say to you. Report and block



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    • 1
      Switch to Universal remote and her benevolence. I will double shitty you



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      • Dont be a pussy



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        • I tell them to screw off, be a man about it



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          • They have no idea you reported them



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          • What to do you say? Well...I just say eat a dick scrub then im good



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            • i dont only report to bungie ,i also report to xbox.nasty messaging hate mail /voice is not tolerated



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              • I just ignor, if they send a message I read it and laugh. It seriously cracks me up that someone can get so involved with a game that they spend time sending a message, or raging in chat. Hell one of my best friends is a well known rager, once he starts going I usually piss him off because I start cracking up laughing. Sure I will report them knowing fully that nothing is going to happen, but I will sleep well knowing someone actually let's a game get to them.



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              • Reporting won't do shit...sad but it's the reality, just leave them and find another



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              • Well theres 2 ways of going about it: 1. Rage, get mad, send them hate message. By doing this though, remember it is essentially like "Giving in" or "Letting them Win" They were able to affect you emotionally and whether thats what they intended to do is not going to change the fact that you are letting them put you down. My old man used to say "Don't put your sails into other peoples' wind" Meaning, don't value their opinion if it's negative. It's hard to Block it because it happens, but you are the master of your emotions and how you respond?, thats your choice, not theirs. That then leads us to option 2. Hit the in game report button and move on. Right now, Destiny is in a really crappy storm. I have no idea when that storm will subside, but all you can really do is wait it out or move to another state besides Louisiana (sorry Katrina victims, i know its not funny). What I mean to say though is Bungie knows the lag is a real problem right now. They know what they need to do to fix it. It is very probable they are working on a solution right now. But here's the problem and why it's taking so long for the storm (known as the lag storm) to subside: its because it takes [u]Time[/u]. Bungie is either trying to write a new netcode to fix the problem, looking for a way to afford dedicated servers, or they don't have the resources to do either and are just waiting until sales give them the resources [u]to do that.[/u] It sucks having to fight laggers, I see them almost every match and the way I deal with it is simple, yet affective. Ignore it. Yeah, thats easier said than done but eventually you get a good match and it feels worth it. It might not happen often (boy i know) but its all you can do really. [b]You could quit[/b], but thats up to you. (I quit before The Dark Below and came back for House of Wolves. I was still disappointed but I was less fed up so I gamed on) One last thing, if they message you, and you have even the slightest Inkling that its negative.........just delete it. Its like getting a note thrown at you by a bully in class. If you throw it in the trash it dont mean a thang. Also the bully shits himself cuz you pretty much just said "your opinion is meaningless" without even looking at him. Trust me, it works. I had a guy send so many messages after I ignored the 1st one. I just laughed thinking "wow, what a pathetic loser, he had to get recognition of his insults or else he feels worthless" XD TLDR; report and move on, forget about it as its not good to keep negative memories. Also hopefully Bungie will fix the lag..... One day.....



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                • Think why the -blam!- am I playing Destiny? Then leave.



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                  • My friend is always the leader so it doesn't happen



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                  • I just piss him off enough to the point where he sends me a message cussing me out, and then report the message. Then he gets a two week communications ban where he can't talk to anyone on Xbox whatsoever and it drives him insane



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                  • Man up.



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                    • 由rurak67編輯: 2/24/2016 10:52:26 AM
                      Report them. During trials this weekend we went I against a team of red bars, they wouldn't take damage and were obviously cheating. We just sat down and I reported all 3. It's really all you can do.



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