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2/18/2016 10:30:21 PM

New Exotic Idea (Feedback Appreciated)

When I am not out and about killing any manner of enemies in the Destiny universe, I dabble in the creative hobby of designing exotics. Some of you may be familiar with some of my other ideas (Like the Ahk Morn Pulse rifle listed here: ). Now, I am trying to design a rather interesting exotic that I need some help putting the finishing touches on. I call it "Aegis Armada". Aegis Armada is what happens when the Fallen successfully manage to steal technology from the Vault of Glass. An artifact of light, corrupted by the the Fallen, and transformed into a weapon influenced by the battle tactics of the Cabal. It is a "Light Melee Weapon" archetype of weapon that is a Special Weapon as opposed to the Heavy Melee archetype associated with Swords. Let's go over some abilities. The basic skills of this weapon are Blastwave and Null Field Blastwave: Swings your arm forward in a wide arc, unleashing a torrent of arc shards in a cone in front of you. Null Field: Reduces incoming damage. Blastwave is, essentially, a wide-angle shotgun with a radius equal to that of a shotgun archetype like Invective. It affects a cone with an area of 120 Degrees in front of you. Like a shotgun, it suffers from damage drop off and is suited for close-quarters engagements. Null Field is the same as the sword's Guard ability but does not have an element to which it is strong or weak. The first fixed perk is is called Shieldbearer. "Defending or Reviving allies grants bonus ammo". This is intended to encourage defensive play. Also, this is not the simple "I activate my guard to take damage for you and I get ammo out of the deal" defend. Instead, you need to prevent an ally, who is near death, from dying by killing their attacker. This triggers the "You Defended Someone" message. If you do this or revive a downed ally, it will net you bonus ammo. In the first selectable column, you have Sentinel and Zealot. Sentinel: Allows Guard to be used while Sprinting. Increases armor while weapon is equipped. Zealot: Increases the range of Blastwave. Kills with this weapon grant bonus super energy. Both of these perks expand the capabilities depending on the user's play style. Sentinel gives you a way to rush to an ally's side for an easy Defend or a guarded revive, while Zealot makes it easier to use this weapon in a more offensive fashion. The 2nd fixed perk for this weapon is called Counterforce: "Taking damage while guarding increases the range and damage of Blastwave for a short time." Counterforce can work for defensive or offensive play styles. It lets you defend or revive an ally and then turn right around and rail someone in the face. Depending on if you are using Sentinel or Zealot, the capabilities of the weapon drastically shift with Counterforce. If you prefer to charge in headlong, you can use Sentinel to Guard while closing ranks against your opponent, then unleash Blastwave to lethal effect (Akin to how Striker Titans currently use Shoulder Tackle). Likewise, if you choose to go with Zealot, Blastwave's range will be on par with the effective range of a low-range Hand Cannon, allowing for some rather terrifying encounters. In the final selectable column, you have Reserve Ether and Damage Converter. Reserve Ether: Increases ammo capacity. Damage Converter: Taking damage while guarding has a chance to grant bonus ammo. Much like the first selectable column of perks, the intent here was to expand the capabilities of the weapon to provide an offensive and defensive option. Players who want to run with Zealot will find Reserve Ether is their go-to option, while players who run with Sentinel will find that that Damage Converter gives them extra staying power. I don't have any stats for this weapon (yet), but I am open to ideas and suggestions for what they should be. I am also looking for feedback on this idea as a whole (I.E: What do you like? What do you hate? What seems unbalanced? How do you recommend I fix it?). Additionally, I am looking to commission an artist to draw the final product, so feel free to recommend someone.



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