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2/10/2016 8:24:46 PM


Destiny's new connection patch is the patch I've been waiting for. For the past...... Oh I don't know, long enough to where I stopped playing. But when I would start match making, or connection to destiny, holy sweet mother of Moses, it was like pulling teeth. I could never connect, and if it did, it would take FOREVER, playing pvp was a joke. It was just all around stupid, I tried doing the latest iron banner and was just gonna pain my way through it.... On average it took me 30 min to find a game, but I would do it cause that scout rifle needed my body. But the iron banner closed at 12 which was 1 hour earlier then I expected. Kinda mad/sad but I'll live. ANYWAYS this new patch not only did I connect like a champ, but 8 out of 10 games there was noooooooo lag AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH that's the sigh of relief. Now mind you I live in the middle of now where with the fastest internet I can acquire. And being paired with people not from different countries is literally game changing for me. (Even though I still get accused of lag switching they few games I do lag lol) But seriously bungie, props to you. Good patch, I can literally play the game again. Doubles is awesome, I like not having to worry about winning or losing and just enjoy the game. Love trials and the hardcoreness. Please add more objective based games like CTF. I love CTF. Love the special ammo patch. If bungie sees this. THANK YOU!!!!!! Ps please drop more 320 items in the light house. I feel that if people make it they deserve it. Just my opinion.



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