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1/15/2016 11:23:02 PM

The Achlyophage Symbiote

For those non-Gunslingers out there, you might not be aware of how long our golden gun lasts. Around 10 seconds. Now you might be thinking "Well 10 Seconds is quite a long time in Destiny," yeah, that's true, to some extent. When you feel that nervous rush of anxiety in your head and in the back of your mind thinking "-blam!- I HAVE TO FIND THREE PEOPLE IN 10 SECONDS," the time really flies by. The Gunslinger in the midst of his super gets no armor at all, (Not saying that it should) and is just as vulnerable to a sniper headshot as any other fool who falls under the sights of a Yasmin. Sure, you have the most powerful weapon in all of the game, instant-kill with slight hitbox increase on targets, but you only get 10 seconds to use it, and you're -blam!-ed if you get out in the open, because the gun is not equipped with long range. Weigh the pros and cons there in your head. I'm not saying buff the living shit out of a Golden Gun, but consider this: With all the disadvantages I just displayed, subtract 3 seconds from the time you have to use the damn thing. That's around 2 second if you plan on killing three people and using the fourth shot as a backup for a miss or a defender shield. 1.5 seconds for 4 people. That case could only apply if you find four of the biggest Crucible blokes standing in a line at attention. Imagine you Strikers and Voidwalkers out there get a lovely new helmet that allows you to get a bigger blast radius or a fourth nova bomb in your cluster, but here's the catch: Your character animation gets an entire second shaved off and prevents you from aiming the thing. Apologies for getting long-winded, and you really must not have much better to do if you're still reading this. But, nonetheless, thank you for your time.



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