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1/4/2016 3:30:32 PM

Mida, IB, Thoughts

So I was running IB yesterday to try and complete the last of my weekly bounties...and I was only stuck on getting top overall score in a game. No secrets here but I am a horrible pvp player and I can only play Destiny casually due to my work, marriage, life, etc. I have been hearing a lot about the Mida for Y2 and thought "heck, why not try it". Well needless to say that very next game I was in, the VERY game that I switched to my Mida, I got top overall score, by close to 1000 points. Now sure, maybe everyone on the other team horribly sucked, maybe they were all noobs...but to help strengthen this occasion on the next game I was top of my team and only behind top overall score again by 200 points or so. So my question is, is Mida really OP? Or is is just so incredibly balanced that this is how most guns should feel, for everyone? I would love to hear thoughts as I am unsure, no matter how many posts I read it fails to compare to actually using the gun the first two times and out of nowhere getting those results. So what do you think guardians? Mida way too OP or instead of nerfing the gun, should all other guns be buffed in where they are horribly lacking to make them just as incredibly balanced as the Mida potentially is?



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  • At long range I just use Jade Rabbit against people with Mida, at medium range I use a pulse, usually Bad Juju, they both clean up nicely.



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  • I have run MIDA nearly every match in IB and I do not apologize for it. I used the crap out of MIDA in year one. I remember those days in year one when people said "why waste an exotic slot on MIDA. That gun is trash." Fast forward to year 2 and MIDA's return. Suddenly it is "OP" to many people. Did Bungie suddenly buff MIDA for Y2? Did they change the perks to make it godlike? Did they increase damage? The answer to all those questions is NO! In fact, MIDA was smacked with the field scout nerf just like every other weapon that had it. It is no surprise that because Snipers are at an all time high the MIDA complaints are at their peak as well. It is hard to snipe camp when facing a team of "shoot and scoot" MIDA users. Guess things are rough all over.



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    1 回覆
    • My tlaloc is better



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    • Every game is MIDA or TLW 1k state or that hunter sniper occasional shotty Rockets or LmG I have yet to be killed from a pulse rifle or fusion rifle in IB. I've seen a few but my screen shows nothing but scout rifles, supers, heavy and shotty/snipers.



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    • 由SolarCerberuS編輯: 1/4/2016 10:34:02 PM
      MIDA is far from op it is just that camping snipers or those who do not/cannot strafe or counter strafe will fall to it almost every time, for me I perform very well with MIDA on my warlock even with lazy body shots I still outgun many (not all) but no where near as good on my hunter or titan, hunter I prefer Hand cannons/pulses, Titan pulses or autos but warlock I have always used and excelled with scouts.



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    • It isn't OP - it is so common now that everyone has it so the playing field is quite



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    • Mida Multitool is a weapon that rewards accurate players. It takes 4 head shots to kill someone and is best used by accurate shooters at a distance. It's lightweight perk gives it's user the mobility to flank and position themselves so that they have an advantage. Mods is not op. It is a gun that gives players who are accurate and who use their brains to out smart their enemies a speed boost while also keeping their radar on screen. If you do well with the mida it means that you put a lot of thought into your engagements and have good accuracy and good decision making and tactics.



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      6 回覆
      • Overpowered and f#####g annoying. Take 3rd eye off it and people wouldn't use it. It's easy to hard scope all round with the Mida and pre-fire. Bore off



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      • Whether we wanted it or not, we've stepped into a war with the Nerf Herders on So let's get to taking out their command, one by one. Kurtadamian. From what I can gather, he commands the Scrub Dancers from an Imperial PC just inside of his mother's basement. He's well protected, but with the right team, we can punch through those defenses, kick this loser in the nuts and break their grip on Nerfing Destiny more.[/quote]



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      • No nerf needed. My doctrine adept does just fine against it



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      • Mida is not OP. It's just very commonly used because it's easy to kill with being a 4 shot.



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