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由Njim1編輯: 12/25/2015 2:39:57 AM

Trials Carry with Plan C

Look at these [b]diamond-ranked [/b]-blam!-es rocking their scarab heart emblems like they're top -blam!-. You know what? -blam!- your 1000-Yard Stare/The Last Word meta. You're all scrubs. :) EDIT #1: Posting cuz with the recent fusion rifle nerfs in 2.1.0, fusion rifles have never been harder to use. I quite enjoyed overcoming the new challenges and still going flawless with em. :) EDIT #2: Because some people just can't enjoy the video and insist on calling the other team trash, they were 1700-1800 Elo in Trials (diamond-ranked) at the time of this match, and we were silver. The video should be a fun look at how to own some 1000-Yard Stare and The Last Word sweaty meta tryhards.



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  • Oh yes please make the no-lifes feel the burn of a fusion rifle ripping through and vaporizing their false self-esteem that they built on an average shooter, only to realize their life sucks more dick than a Thai prostitute and that they should finally go to college (or just go out and get real friends if they're kids)



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