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12/23/2015 3:14:24 AM

What makes a a good PvP player?

So a thing that has been bothering me is that what makes you a good pvp player or valuable asset to your team? I mean what is important? Is it high K/D? Is it scoring points? Sacrificing K/D to support your team? Playing the objective? All of them are important of course but which one is the most valuable? And please try to keep it civil.



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  • Listen here not bragging or anything but I'm just saying I probably have the highest medal score in here. But here are some tips for all of you. Map awareness- know the map, and know the environment. Load Out- use guns you are comfortable with, say another team is sniping an your good with sniper try sniping them also if not rush with shot gun know the map know the corners. Radar awareness- always always watch your radar most important thing in the game, few friends I play with struggle sometimes, I ask them "do you watch your radar" "they say nope" make sure to watch your radar. Patient- be patient, really important nothing better then a patient sniper waiting to f you up. Fast- say you are running shot gun always be fast quick and jumpy, never just sit around. Same with sniper sit around but when you see that head pop them. Well that's about it, that's all I can do, now just do the work. ~NTT Prodigy14 out



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