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11/28/2015 7:32:04 AM

How about Hunger of Oryx or Oryx's Famine or Exotic burn ammo?

So we all know that the Gjallarhorn is not an option...however Hunger of Crota was a pretty dope lil Rocket Launcher. Soooo...what about an exotic RL similar to the Legendary Hunger of Crota. Maybe a new Character driven Exotic quest line that brings the Hunger of Crota to the Exotic Hunger of Oryx or Oryx's Famine? (my names, they don't exist......yet *smirk*) Hook it up with sub-class specific cluster bombs, like Poison Gas (similar to what the wizards dish out) or Tether bombs for the Night Stalker, maybe chain lightning for some Stormcaller action, and Explosive Pyre Bombs for the ole Sunbreaker. Kind of along the same note, maybe for a different thread, but why not make some weapons exclusive to PVE...the above would qualify in that. How bad would it suck getting spawn camped on PVP with a chain lightning Rocket Launcher...good grief. Maybe, if that isn't an option, perhaps the gunsmith, or here is an idea...Xur could offer a quest line or something to allow exotic weapon synthesis. So the thought there is that your default weapon burn exists always, but maybe you pick up some exotic ammo for that kinetic primary that allows for close quarter tethering, slowing em down a lil bit, or deals out some much needed explosive pyre, or maybe mini nova bomb rounds. Some Wire Rifle or Shrapnel Cannon rounds could be a welcome addition to the Guardian arsenal too...just sayin. Can't use synth in PVP, so what could it hurt in PVE? put a limit on it, like the 5 minute wait or 10 minute cool downs. I thought this was kind of a fun discussion, just looking at the creative possibilities, thought maybe others might have some feedback. Bump if you like, throw out some suggestion you may have here.



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  • [quote]So we all know that the Gjallarhorn is not an option...however Hunger of Crota was a pretty dope lil Rocket Launcher. Soooo...what about an exotic RL similar to the Legendary Hunger of Crota. Maybe a new Character driven Exotic quest line that brings the Hunger of Crota to the Exotic Hunger of Oryx or Oryx's Famine? (my names, they don't exist......yet *smirk*) Hook it up with sub-class specific cluster bombs, like Poison Gas (similar to what the wizards dish out) or Tether bombs for the Night Stalker, maybe chain lightning for some Stormcaller action, and Explosive Pyre Bombs for the ole Sunbreaker. Kind of along the same note, maybe for a different thread, but why not make some weapons exclusive to PVE...the above would qualify in that. How bad would it suck getting spawn camped on PVP with a chain lightning Rocket Launcher...good grief. Maybe, if that isn't an option, perhaps the gunsmith, or here is an idea...Xur could offer a quest line or something to allow exotic weapon synthesis. So the thought there is that your default weapon burn exists always, but maybe you pick up some exotic ammo for that kinetic primary that allows for close quarter tethering, slowing em down a lil bit, or deals out some much needed explosive pyre, or maybe mini nova bomb rounds. Some Wire Rifle or Shrapnel Cannon rounds could be a welcome addition to the Guardian arsenal too...just sayin. Can't use synth in PVP, so what could it hurt in PVE? put a limit on it, like the 5 minute wait or 10 minute cool downs. I thought this was kind of a fun discussion, just looking at the creative possibilities, thought maybe others might have some feedback. Bump if you like, throw out some suggestion you may have here.[/quote] I can see where this could be a fun lil idea to play around with. Would be cool to see a rocket launcher with chain lighting clusters. How about it bungie throw us a bone and give us a new toy.



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