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11/29/2015 2:06:42 PM

Walking dead predictions!? SPOILERS POSSIBLE

Mid season finale is tonight! Here's some of what I think. [spoiler]Abraham might die. He's at that point most characters reach right before they die. Clean suit, changed outlook on life. Bam, headshot. Hopefully we get to see some rocket sauce first. Honestly though I don't think Sasha Daryl or Abraham will make it back to Alexandria to help out, on account of the "help" radio transmission that has yet to be solved. Then it will be like a prison style story line where they arrive at Alexandria after all the badness happens and go on the search for the other people and use rpgs to rescue them blah blah blah.[/spoiler] [spoiler]carl is in trouble. According to comics I think he loses an eye? Either way, son of porch dick is going to be bad news. I also have hope for the kid. Like maybe he has I'll intent right now but accidentally shoots carl in the eye while trying to kill a walker. Idk. But that conflict is going to unvelope tonight. almost certainly with rons death.[/spoiler] [spoiler]Eugene is in trouble also after his bout with rosita at machete school. He's gonna screw up and someone will die or he will die in attempt to help people[/spoiler] [spoiler]Deanna is so dead it isn't even funny[/spoiler] What do you think, Flood?



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