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由InfinitySerpent編輯: 11/2/2015 2:03:22 PM

am i the only one who thinks all the classes have serious balancing issues?

titans don't have anything to aid them in melee conflict beside the simple argument of Shoulder charge, and perhaps melting point. and arguably have some of the best supers in the game for rushers hunters gain no shielding or other bonus for melee killing, anything and have some of the worst stat allocation in destiny have the most accurate supers but lack in bonuses for those supers.... warlock have horrible jumping issues, as well as have a problem over relying on slap happy antics and grenadier hell fire instead of normal gun play, and control what seems to be the best of everything hands down when compared to both the titans and hunters Edit1: just to put this into perspective this is how a general RPG/FPS hybrid would build the classes lets say the stats go from 1-10 the classes should be locked as follows for PVE [u]hunters[/u] [i]armor = 5 recovery = 5 agility = 10[/i] [u]Titans[/u] [i]armor = 10 recovery = 5 agility = 5[/i] [u]Warlock[/u] [i]armor = 5 recovery = 10 agility = 5[/i] this way PVE has both a balanced set for each class and a good feeling for all three to have specific roles but in PVP it should be diffrent the classes should be locked as follows for PVP [i]armor = 5 recovery = 5 agility = 5[/i] normalizing these giving no class any chance greater than the other, no surviving things they shouldn't, no recovering faster than another class, no out running another class, simply balanced. [b] the reason behind some of the imbalance is due to the choice of stats what point to classes is there if you just spec into being as fast as a hunter or a tough as a titan...... its part of the problem but not the entire cause of the imbalance and class diffrences[/b]



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  • That would actually make a pretty boring game. Let people figure out what they want to do. The hunter is probably one of the weaker classes now and it's still one of the most popular. I don't know why, but it is. If people are going to continue to play it obviously they are seeing something in it



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