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由Loopnova編輯: 11/5/2015 8:30:35 PM

Petition to add Crucible Honor

So the more vanguard strikes you play, the better of a chance you have of getting good rewards. Why not have the same for crucible? EDIT: We're trending, keep it up!



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  • while this would be cool, the problem with it is that you play the same people over and over and over again. This makes it so that the good players will just completely shut out the weaker ones (even more then what we currently have since the weaker players have an incentive to stick it out). Plus now that i'm thinking about it this would could end up leading towards some pretty serious boosting problems where people purposefully match against each other and just switch off of each other for increases in k/d or reward chances (assuming that they did make it so that people at the top of the leader board have a higher chance of getting good rewards)



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