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10/13/2015 10:42:53 PM

Drops in Kings Fall

I'll start with saying Bungie hates me. I just finished the raid for the 4th time and I am less than impressed with the rewards I have gotten. People around me getting all sorts and I'm still getting 290 exotics when I'm over 300 light. So far over the 4 raids, I've had 5 sets if boots (305 the highest) 307 titan mark and no other armor. The only weapons I hardly ever use are hand cannons and fusions rifles, which of course are the only weapons I get. It starts to get annoying how the people who you do it with have near full sets of 310/308 gear when we've done it the same amounts of times. After killing Oryx earlier today I received my rewards (304 boots and some wormspore) then it uses 8 moldering shards and returns 2 of them, definitely worth the effort just for that. Anyway that concludes my rant about how Bungie hates me.



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