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由BallisticsMC編輯: 10/5/2015 2:02:43 AM


The game mode of Rift makes literally no sense, its basically like a football game where you can get points for tackling. The actual task of taking the spark to the enemies rift doesn't feel like the main objective, when you can actually win the whole game without once dropping in the spark. for example I just played a game where my team was the ONLY one getting the spark into the enemies rift, but the other team was playing it like a Clash match and pretty much all of their points allotted for simply for getting kills. This defeats the purpose of the mode. I also think its kind of ridiculous that bungie didn't just change Control into Zone Control, it doesn't need to be 2 separate modes its totally unnecessary. Rift should be fixed so all points are only received for grabbing the spark, getting distance when carrying it, and dropping it in the enemies Rift. I'm seriously hoping Bungie doesn't pull the same crap they did with Control and try to make some special Rift mode where kills don't count, it should just be how it normally plays. it'd be fine to use kills just for the player scoreboard, but kills shouldn't dictate who wins the match when the objective isn't to kill the other team. It's just confusing they thought it would even be a good idea to let you get points just for killing in a specific objective-based match



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  • Out of all my rift games, I can only recall one game where it went down to the wire... It's always one sided. I would play it more if they had two spawn locations for the spark so we don't know where to be before it comes. To avoid being spawntrapped if spark area control



    以禮待人。發佈文章前請花點時間查看我們的行為準則 取消 編輯 創立火力戰隊 文章

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