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9/25/2015 2:29:12 PM


This hot fix was released yesterday (the 24th of September) and I could not download it. Whenever I started Taken King, the "Installing Destiny" screen would come up, but the download would not begin. After a few minutes a message would prompt telling me that I had an "oyster" error code. After searching the code here on the troubleshooting guide I tried some of the fixes recommended. I tried a direct Ethernet cable connection, but that didn't solve anything. I also tried restarting my system and restarting my router, which also didn't work. The only other suggestion from the guide was to uninstall Destiny and re-install it. I've done that, and I'm still getting "oyster". I just bought the Taken King on Tuesday and I haven't even tried it out yet. If I could get some help figuring out what this is and how I can get my game working, that'd be great. $40 is a lot to spend on a game I haven't even gotten a chance to play yet.



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  • I solved the problem. At least for me it works. When I tried to download the patch it stop at 50% and then an oyster error appears, right? So I only take my xbox to a friend's house (who can play destiny without oyster errors) and downloaded from his house. When I came back everything was fine and I can play with no problems.



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  • Currently I have no figured out a fix myself. I have tried all that you have done, deleted the cache, and more. Nothing has fixed the problem and BUNGIE still has yet to respond to the issue. We are in the dark, friend.



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    2 回覆
    • Hi Chris, I see that you mentioned restarting your system. Can you also try clearing your console cache? Here is a guide on how to do so:



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