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9/25/2015 4:25:49 AM

Error code oyster

So is anyone else havin an issue with downloading the latesr hot fix? Everytime I try I wait a couple mins, the download never starts and eventually I get error code oyster. Anyone here to offer some help or advice?
#Help #oyster



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  • I get the same problem. Though sometimes it will start then stop randomly and then I'd get the error



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    • Hi oN1C3LYT0AST3Do, Oyster errors indicate that your console is having problems maintaining a connection to the platform download servers that provide the download. These systems are managed and operated by your platform service (i.e. PlayStation Network or Xbox Live). If possible, try completing the update through the console's download features instead of by launching Destiny. This can sometimes help identify exactly what the problem is. If you need additional help with the download and installation of updates, please contact Microsoft Xbox Support.



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    • Same problem. I realized I had a bunch of partial downloads of previous compatibility packs that weren't showing up in my active downloads. Downloaded them all, thought it would fix it, but it didn't. Now I'm back to showing an update being the only thing destiny needs to download. Weird thing is that it failed due to oyster error but when I tried it again it said it was a 1.5Mb download instead of the previous 1.8Mb size. It must be downloading something.



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    • I'm having the same problem with the latest download. It continues to try to download, but freezes up. Same error code.



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    • 由linke soep編輯: 9/26/2015 6:17:27 PM
      I'm trying now for two days to dowload the update, but not luck at all. I did try everything there is to find on the net, but nothing is helping me! The strange thing is that there are 3 updates that i can't download., one is 1.53MB and the other one is 14.46MB and there is one around 443. kb?? And after every oyster fail message i see one of them, it seems that they alternate? Do yu have the same problem??



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