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由bawce_編輯: 9/22/2015 8:11:38 PM

How to turn TTK Blues into Motes of Light

[b]BLUES TO MOTES[/b] All TTK Blue Engrams can be dismantled to retrieve Motes of Light as long as it has ANY sort of progress on the perk circles. So basically what you want to do is: If you are sure you want to dismantle a blue, equip it first, kill anything, and then dismantle it. The kill will put progress on that item, therefore when you dismantle, it will give you motes of light. I have tried this and it works, I got it from a Reddit post, but it was a screen shot so no link to give props but if you see this, props to you, and thank you. Bump please and come back and comment if it worked for you or not.



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