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由Comms_12389編輯: 10/2/2015 9:27:29 AM

The Plight of UK Destiny Players: Activision doesn’t do exchange rates.

Dear Bungie and Activision, Well on one note I’m proud of myself; I resisted pre-ordering the Taken King. But I am not happy about the reason why I feel I have to do it. It is my protest at the expensive price of TTK compared to the North America Territories as well as others around the world, and from what I can tell, for no reason other than that of greed, that we won’t be able to figure out that we are being overcharged for no good, honest reason. I have had other people arguing that it is for tax reasons and the cost of exports. But Bungie and Activision are not the first ones to do this, and many respected financial watch dogs have investigated to some degree that, while these things are a factor, it is largely done to maximise profits and has little to do with consumer value. In an attempt to pluck at some heart strings, the 15th September marks a day in Britain’s history where our country stood against one of the biggest air raids ever seen in war, and against the odds, the country stood its ground after having all its strength sapped by the end of the raids. The heroes of that time paved the way in world history for us to have the lives we have now, and to live out the dreams those few instilled us with in video games and elsewhere. I think it would be nice to show this little island some respect. And to demonstrate my resolve, as only a lone guardian can, I will for now leave Destiny and a great community behind. I thank you for the ride, but sometimes it feels right to make a stand. I hope to come back some day, and I will look forward to raiding with some very good friends sometime. Best Regards, Comms_12389 Edit 02/10/15 : I'm still not giving in. I'm very much disappointed at how there has been no response to this issue despite it being so critical and well publicised. The fact that the major game sites are not bringing up this issue is worrying for me. I hope someone is listening.



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