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9/12/2015 5:13:00 PM

Charter Communications and Destiny (Will not update through game application)

Hello, So I just recently came back to Destiny because I really am excited to play the taken King. I do have a problem though and I want to know if anyone has experienced this with the same ISP. I stopped playing Destiny in January, but I had a room-mate that still played on his ps4. We moved to a town that unfortunately had only one ISP which was Charter Communication, but they great DL/UL speeds which never worried me when I was gaming. The moment the internet was fully connected he jumped onto destiny and I jumped onto my other games. Here is the thing, patches and games he downloaded through the PSN worked fine, and there was no problem. When he started playing destiny and it required an in-game 10mb download nothing moved at all. We sat on a 0/10mb screen for 7 minutes and then we get an oyster error. We read the steps on trying to fix this error by LAN connection and re-installing the game, but still after all that time it kept bringing us back to the same error. The way we worked around this error was if I used my hotspot on my phone to download the 10mb patch, but I'm always afraid that if there was something bigger than that in file size the next time around my phone company will charge me for that. Now know this, this was all done on his ps4, not once did I ever tested this out on my ps4 since I wasn't interested at the time to play (Please don't hate me bungie for saying that lol). Just yesterday I re-installed the game since I removed it from my ps4. I installed everything just yesterday including the Taken King 17gb patch. Now all of a sudden I am now experiencing the same error message as my roommate. Note: This isn't a router issue as we had the same router before at our previous house., and we even hard-reset it when we experienced the problems on my room-mates ps4. Anyways what I'm trying to find is someone to help me. I know how to port-forward, but nothing worked. Playing the game works on my ISP only after I download the small patches through the game application first on my phones hotspot.



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  • Bless you. Bless you to the highest honor in heaven. I have been having this issue with every update for the past couple of months and each time I've become more and more aggravated. I didn't realize that the issue correlated to my switch to Charter. I have done EVERYTHING to forward ports, open NAT, and all the other little things to make it function but there's no way to download the updates except to try again and again and again until the oyster error finally forgets that it needs to spite me and it works. A month ago I tried well over 200 times. I just used my hotspot and it worked immediately. I'll call Charter soon and then I'll post here what my findings are if they can do anything to help. Thanks again for sharing!!!!



    以禮待人。發佈文章前請花點時間查看我們的行為準則 取消 編輯 創立火力戰隊 文章

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