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由Brandon4K210編輯: 9/16/2015 4:24:22 PM


This is the fourth and final letter to Atheon. [i] Dear Atheon, Do robots have muscles? I see you flex all the time, but I thought your kind don't have muscles. Anyways, why do you act like you send us to the past and the future? Because if you really sent us to the future, wouldn't you already be dead? So as soon as you send us to the future, we should get the loot from you, because technically your already dead in the past (Not the past past, but the present, but not the present we are in now since you sent us to the future.) Anyways, please tell your oracle to shut up, just for once in your robotic life time. How long is your robot life by the way? I'm guess not very long since you have to keep sending guardians in the past to relieve your childhood memories. You had some messed up friends. Why is it when I run through a teleporter, it won't send me back to the present? And why do I get so sleepy, I start to close my eyes unless someone wakes me up with the "Relic." I think your robot magic has a major side effect, you might want to think about using a different magic. Anyways, I hope this letter finds you well Atheon. P.S. I knew you were my favourite all along Atheon. Yours Truly, Brandon4K210 [/i] LETTER TO ATHEON: 1 of 4: [url][/url] LETTER TO ATHEON: 2 of 4: [url][/url] LETTER TO ATHEON: 3 of 4: [url][/url] LETTER TO CROTA: 1 of 4: [url][/url] LETTER TO CROTA: 2 of 4: [url][/url] LETTER TO CROTA: 3 of 4: [url][/url] LETTER TO CROTA: 4 of 4: [url][/url] LETTERS TO SKOLAS - COMING SOON!!! [url][/url]



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  • To address this i will explain my actions. The "flexing" is actually lining up all my parts to allow maximum power for teleporting you through time and space. Also i am creating barriers to confine guardians, and also summon supplicants. It requires so much possessing power, i have to align the parts then lock my body in place. Now about the time shifting. Human, i do not expect every human to understand the complexities of time and space. You see, time and space are ever changing. So when i sent you to the "past" and "future" it was a future and past as the vex wish it to be. You see the vault has the power to change reality with in the vault. Example is the gorgons, whom see you, scan you, cross check if you are apart of the reality the vex wish in the vault, and then remove you from reality if you are not. Remember kabar the legionless? That was the fate if the other 5 members... They were erased from reality. However we only have such dominion over things while they are in the vault of glass. The loud mouth lights are the the Templars little projects.. I like the idea they erase people like the gorgons, but the big problem is they aren't as fast as the gorgons... Oh well, gotta let boys have their toys. Also i can technically be immortal.. Even after you kill me. The vex all share one mind, though each body possesses a unique "personality". Basically my mind is the same as the other vex all over all the worlds, but with my job to keep the vault of glass project going, i have a independent sub routine with access to a hive mind. Also if you can't go through a portal, its a problem of too many non vex attempting to cross over at once or the rest of your team aren't controlling the sync pad. That basically syncs (as the name says) that "past" with this "now" or that "future" as the vex wish it to be. Finally the "relic" aka kabar, is like an anti virus. Once you pass in to the past or future, you are linked with the guardians of this time, and the crossing guardians are "infected" with a virus. If untreated, it causes blindness, and a slow death. Once one dies, the rest are rapidly expunged from reality. The "infection" is that you are seen as a part of reality that shouldn't be there, so you are rejected. Kabar prevents the rejection so i have to send the only thing i have handy, the Templars toys, to try and get rid of you and your team. I hope i have explained the vault well, do send me further questions if you wish or ask for clarification on anything that is confusing. Time's Conflux, out.



    以禮待人。發佈文章前請花點時間查看我們的行為準則 取消 編輯 創立火力戰隊 文章

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