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9/15/2015 8:05:28 PM

MSPaintAdventure Thread - Character Creation [Pilot Thread]

[spoiler]And I’m here using GIMP[/spoiler] Anyways there’s something I want to try out; since I quite like the interactive concept of MSPaintAdventures (and love the [url=]PrequelAdventure[/url]) I thought that I could make this here too. This thread here functions as the character creator and as a Pilot – which means, depending on how much traction I get, that I’ll either continue this, drop it or even put extra effort into it (for example I'll ditch this super simplistic arstyle for something more detailed and complex). ♠♣♦♥ So how does this work? Simply post a reply describing what you want the character to wear or what you want him to look like. You can even change his—oh, I mean her---its… sex. Whatever. Replies will be viewed in chronological order, so maybe your answer will be ignored if you happen to be the 250th person to reply. Though replies with more upvotes will be held higher in priority – essentially you can vote for the suggestions you like the best. ♣ It could work like this: [quote][Reply #1] [u]Always No. Juan says:[/u] “He should wear a blue shirt.”[/quote] -Blue shirt will be applied shortly- [quote][Reply #2] [u]Master Chief says:[/u] White trousers.[/quote] -White trousers will be applied shortyl- ♣ But there’s a limit to customisation; no matter how many upvotes the reply has: [quote][Reply #3] [u]DeeJ Nuts says: (117 ▲)[/u] “Testicles the size of moons”[/quote] But please don’t forget: I can never immediately respond to every reply that is posted and I’m a busy person. I’m not gone if I don’t respond; just not online and occupied with other things. Of course anyone interested can apply to help; artists, script writers - anybody who’s creative is welcome. That’s all just what could [u]potentially [/u]happen; for now, if you want to support this, you just have to reply to keep this all relevant. Ty, Att.



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