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由Obi Wan Cannoli編輯: 9/15/2015 6:30:41 PM

How Bungie could've fixed the whole situation regarding TTK and remained in everyone's good graces

Warning: Simple solutions ahead that are bound to offend someone, somehow. Also some paragraphs. So sit down and grab a drink, we're gonna go for a ride. Alright, so we all know that TTK is overpriced, moreso if you live outside of the US. I understand it's too late now, but this is something I've been saying Bungie should be doing for ages, ever since TTK was announced. So let's get underway. The Taken King is overpriced, this is a fact. Even if you want to defend it, you know it's true. Bungie locking players out of Vanilla content so that they're forced to buy DLC is shady at best. Now, the solution to this would've been incredibly simple and effective. Bungie really, really should've adopted one of two, if not both, of the models I'm about to propose. First off, one of the things that could've been done was that Bungie should not lock players out of vanilla Crucible playlists, Nightfalls, Heroics, Strike playlists with rewards, etc. The solution, honestly would've been simple and effective, two Nightfalls/Heroics, Strike playlist giving out rewards, and allow non-DLC owners to hit 40 (anyone was able to play Iron Banner, for example, but now only TTK owners can). That will probably hurt some people's bottoms, but think about it. In all of the other DLCs, any player could hit the max level, if not one level underneath without buying the DLC. Any player could play the Nightfall and Heroic strikes/Dailys when they weren't DLC missions. Why are we locking people out of content to this extreme now? To not upset DLC owners, simply adding two Nightfalls/Heroics would have been such a simple solution. One for DLC exotics with a better drop chance, and one with the current drop rates (or the ones pre-2.0, even if that would make you feel better). Hell, allow DLC owners to do both so that they don't get all "But I threw money at my screen!" Obviously I'm just using the two most obvious examples here, but this idea would apply to the crucible playlists as well. Second, and this is perhaps the better of the two solutions, give everyone who bought a Collector's/Digital Collectors/Legendary edition a break on the price of TTK, to bring it down to $20 USD/The equivalent globally, and users who just bought the base game and expansion a break down to $30/the equivalent globally. This makes it at least look like you care about your fanbase who've stuck by your side and you're not just trying to push everyone out. And to those saying "Do you want Bungie to go bankrupt??!!?", Bungie has made over $550 [i]million[/i] on Destiny before TTK came out, they can afford to give players who have stuck by and were waivering an incentive to stay. Well, that's it for me. Time to let the sheep come up with some asinine reason defending Bungie.



以禮待人。發佈文章前請花點時間查看我們的行為準則 取消 編輯 創立火力戰隊 文章

  • quote][quote]Before we start let me say first off I am no "Desticle" I have not bought TTK and I have no intention to do so until I see review scores and impressions that make me feel its worth my $40 purchase. So I am missing out on the new content just like you guys are. I don't drink the Kool Aid. I think that $40 for a DLC is a joke even if it is an "Expansion". I personally believe I am one of the most outspoken critics on the forums regarding TTK and its various scandals. Then why am I bothering to post this you ask? Because I believe in fairness and the ranting and raving I am seeing in thread after thread is not fair towards Bungie. It is a HUGE overreaction and the bombastic claims of being robbed of content and being scammed is just downright idiotic. [b][u]You have not had any missions, strikes, raids, or weapons taken away from you that you have purchased. You can still play all the TDB missions/strikes, HoW missions/strikes and you can certainly still play the vanilla missions/strikes. The same goes for the crucible. You still have every right to play the maps that you have already paid for in the classic playlists in the crucible. [/u][/b] The only thing you have been locked out of is new endgame content like Nightfalls, Weeklies, Raid etc etc. That is not content that you bought that is a [i]FEATURE[/i] of the game. A feature that centers [i]around [/i]the latest content. When you bought TDB you bought the strikes, missions, gear etc etc and the Nightfall then took that content and featured it every week. Now that TTK is the latest content the Nightfall now features THAT content. So no you don't get to do the Nightfall because the Nightfall features new content. Content that you have not paid for. So please stop acting as if Bungie came into your game and pulled all of the missions and gear from your bleeding fingers and pissed on your Ghost. This is how expansion based games have operated for YEARS now. The new expansion comes out with new gear, new missions, and a new level cap. That new content is then featured front and center in every way and the old content is pushed off to the side. WoW, Diablo, SWTOR etc etc have followed this design for years. This is not new and this not shocking. They did it for TDB and they did it for HoW, but they did it on a smaller scale because they were smaller packages. TTK is essentially Destiny 1 part 2. So of course its impact on the day to day functionality of the game is gonna be MUCH more noticeable and much more profound. You paid for content. You got that content. You [i]still have[/i] that content. You can still play that content. [i]Features[/i] such as the endgame activities however will always be geared toward the latest content and if you don't have that content then you obviouslly cannot participate in the features that use that new content. The same goes for the levelcap as well. You paid for the level-cap to be increased in each of the new DLC's that came out because they were TIED to that content and you need that gear in order to REACH that new cap. They have now raised it again and have tied that cap to the new gear. Gear you don't have access to because you have not paid for it yet. So of [i]COURSE[/i] the Vendors are going to be selling the latest and greatest gear. Do you honestly think that they should still be selling old level Vanilla gear like Shadow Price or The Devil You Know even though its been outclassed ages ago? I understand that you are upset that your options are limited now because the content you bought is no longer[i] featured[/i], but don't sit their and claim that it is no longer there or that you no longer have access to it. Because it is and you do.[/quote][/quote]



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  • People seeing something as overpriced or not is subjective. Also there is probably no real simply solution to Bungie's game. Either you tack on new activities for every bump up, which after awhile will probably make the window ugly and can possibly cause problems in some way. Or they don't allow people without the corresponding purchases to download patches from that point onwards. But then you have to worry about overlapping activities and other possible problems. Along with having servers that would be supporting people that no longer feel like paying for supporting the game.



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