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9/9/2015 11:16:20 AM

Best part of the update

[b]THE MUSIC! I want to erase the update and start it again just to listen to the music![/b] Why is there no CD, no stand alone Music of the Spheres in its entirety? Does everything need to be piecemeal in this game? Where's HoW and TDB soundtracks? Where's Salvatori? Why such a giant FU to music aficionados? Don't tell me to go to iTunes, there's only exerpts of MotS and half the score is missing. Shame you have to rely on kind souls to upload bits and pieces to YT, which by the way get ten of thousands of views. There is a market for your (?) music! [b]C'mon. I'm ready to throw money at my ears Bungie![/b]



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