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9/4/2015 6:25:58 PM

>be me

>be 17y/o me >at gfs house alone, parents out >commence nudity on living room couch >asks if I want to try something new >next exit: Brown Town >stickitinherpooper.jpeg >meh, everything i hoped for and less >decide to keep going for the xp >hear car door slam in the driveway >should probably head out >pull out too early >explosive tidal wave of diarrhea splashes everywhere >stomach, noodle, and thighs all covered in Hershey squirt >all over couch and rug too >gf too scared to be embarrassed >tells me she will blame the shit wave on her dog >hurries me out back door as her parent enter >decide to hide out and see how it goes >after a while her dad brings dog into backyard >pulls handgun out of jacket >shoots dog in head >mfw jesus dog died for our sins



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