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由Nucking Futs 編輯: 9/5/2015 6:03:15 PM

The Night Shift

So there I was at work, finishing up my patrols and heading back to my desk. When I thought I saw something out of the corner of my eye. I decided it was nothing and most likely fatigue from working continuous Graveyard shift. I had to go through a small alleyway to get to the rear offices, but before that, I wanted to enjoy a little nicotine. I sparked up a cigarette, and just as I was finishing, there it was again. That blur out of the corner of my eye. I decided to radio the other officers and see if anyone was around. (Nobody was nearby, so i decided to go investigate by myself. I followed where I thought the blur went to, and stumbled upon a turned over trash can. It had something inside of it, what appeared to be an unconscious girl. I proceeded to start medical procedures, after reviving her, she sat up. I didn't want to bombard her with too many questions, but instead, she asked me a question. "Do you want to buy some girl scout cookies?" I was taken aback. Girl scout cookies? She was just unconscious in a trash can.. Being a good guy, I said, "sure how much?" "I need about Tree Fiddy." At this point I realized this little girl was Ten stories tall and a giant crustacean from the Paleolithic era.



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